
By Mary Ann Inman


Clinton Public Library Director Mary Bieber’s said, “The challenge is a family project for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers promoted by Arrowhead Library System at Rock County Libraries in Clinton, Orfordville, Edgerton, Evansville, Milton, Beloit and Janesville. The exciting part is that reading books from any library in the county counts!”

The program is ongoing an open to all preschool children. It is never too late to join. Contact Library Director Mary Bieber at (608) 676-5569 or stop in the library and pick up a brochure with more information. English Second Language and Signing Language children are encouraged to participate.

The goal: Reading 1,000 books is easier than you might think. Read just one picture book a day and you will reach goal in less than 3 years. Read three books a day and you will be done in a year.

The benefits: Children who hear a wide variety of words in their first three years are more likely to have higher IQ’s. Developing strong language skills from birth to preschool leads to better grades in elementary and middle school. Children who know the alphabet before kindergarten are more likely to strong readers in high school.

How to get started: Register at any Rock County public library or register online at Progress can be tracked with fun reading cards. Turn in your reading cards at any Rock County public library after every 100 books. Receive a fun gift for each card you complete.

There are five early literacy practices that help your child get ready to read. Five key things are: talk, sing, read, write, and play!

Kindles, iPad and other mobile devices are encouraged along with audiobooks. Storytime counts too! Reading to a brother, sister, babysitter, grandma, or grandpa. It all counts!

The program is enhanced through a partnership with Rock County Early Childhood Community Partnership.