By Mary Ann Inman


CLINTON – Clinton Village President, Connie Tracy called the meeting to order on Tuesday, June 16, at 7 p.m. Board Trustees present were: Ron Torkilson, Art Bushue, Jeanette Troha, Brian Jacobs, and Dina Knibbs. Dennis Nielson was absent. Treasurer/Clerk Pam Franseen and Administrator, Jennifer Sheiffer were present.

DPW Director Roger Johnson, Police Chief Dave Hooker, Library Director Mary Bieber and Chamber President Tim Pogorelski were present.

After the Pledge of Allegiance and Approval of Minutes President Connie Tracy moved on to Public Appearances.

Administrator Dr. Randy Refsland and Grounds and Transportation Bob Butler of CCSD spoke up in favor of retaining a village easement because of a planned K-8 new building project to be located behind the High School pending a referendum in two-three years. Butler noted Carol Street Apartment traffic would support the sidewalk route to the new building.

Mary Gilbank-Peterson referred to the easement as a ‘sidewalk to nowhere’ and questioned the logic of land owners required to maintain the sidewalks for lots 15 (521 East Street) and 14 that they never wanted. Gilbank-Peterson added nobody wants an easement on his or her property.

After discussion the board voted to approve the discontinuance of a public easement.

Tim Pogorelski spoke on behalf of the Chamber about Taste of Clinton, which was scheduled for June 20 downtown from noon to Midnight. Four inflatable were added this year from Fun Events and were set up in the gravel lot by Front Street Co-op. At dark a Beloit Film Festival presented a family-oriented movie to hopefully attract families and increase attendance.

Committee reports were routine. Art Bushue mentioned a tree line removal behind the ballpark and his committee is working on tree inventories, which are scheduled four times annually.

Jeanette Troha noted Public Works activities and actions regarding snowplows, sidewalks, wastewater, and surveys. Mary Bieber reported that the Library Board is reviewing Policy and Procedures, 50 children attended summer reading program, and book shelves would be painted by children for the Food Pantry. Chief Hooker noted tourniquet training, Table Top 2, and National Night Out plans are in process.

Administrator Sheiffer reported that the Village received $8,100 reimbursement from 125 Milwaukee Street clean up. Twenty-five Village employees attended harassment training. Due to State policy employees will need to contribute more toward premiums.

The board discussed inviting bidders to present Village Facility Needs Study proposals because no further bids have been received. Multiple literature booklets including proposal actions and quotes were given to each board member to review. A copy is in the library for public viewing. No date for proposal reviews was determined.

Brian Jacobs stated if the board (in the future) opts to pay out money for a needs study then board commitment will be required to follow through. General consensus was reached within the board that if the study is approved they will take results seriously.

Pam Franseen noted Final Audits were progressing without problems and Coop Property tax lessened due to demolition.

Roger Johnson reported work on a planned E-Waste at the compost site and sidewalk replacement estimates which came in at $30 per square foot (needing more review). Connie Tracy asked Roger for a list of properties in need of approach repairs.

All liquor and cigarette licenses and sales renewals were approved. The Village Board approved Checks, Invoices and Expenditures as presented.

A request from Chief Hooker to spend $1,500 for promotional items for National Night Out, which will bring 2,000 to 3,000 people to Clinton on Aug. 4, from 8 to 5 p.m., was approved.

The event involves area community (excluding Janesville and Beloit because they hold their own events) fire, police and other emergency personnel doing lectures and demonstrations.

Free food will draw a crowd. Unused promotional items are not dated and can be used later. The monies will be taken from the contingency fund.

President Tracy asked for board members participation regarding a drainage issue meeting with two school board members. Dennis Nielson and Ron Torkilson have volunteered.

The meeting adjourned and went into closed session at 8 p.m.