By Erica Gokey, Correspondent –

A meeting of the Business Improvement District and Revitalization Committee was called to order, where the pressing topics on the agenda involved the UW-Extension Market Analysis and First Impressions Survey, entrance sign maintenance, and whether or not to create a Facebook page for the committee.

The committee approved a spending cap of $5,000 to have the UW perform an Extension Market Analysis and First Impressions Survey for downtown Brodhead. BID President Mike Olson has been communicating with Green County UW-Extension Community and Economic Development Educator, Victoria Solomon, about the project. Olson had some concerns about a few of the downtown area business window upgrades. “I think there’s a couple we need to reach out to. Especially the North side of the square. I wonder if they realize we can help them fix that,” said Olson. The analysis is set to start this fall, which could end up falling into the next budget year.

Pick up this week’s print edition for full story….