Their hearts grow bigger every day

Brandon, Hiedi and their son, Miles, of Clinton, have been chosen as this year’s Kade’s Klassic benefit recipients. Miles, who is adopted, was born with Tetralogy of Fallot, a combination of heart defects, and has undergone numerous surgeries, the most recent of which was last month in California. The Kade’s Klassic will be June 24 at Evergreen Country Club in Elkhorn.
Family of adopted boy this year’s benefit recipient
By Heather Ruenz
Brandon and Hiedi Kadlec opened their hearts when they decided to become adoptive parents and they opened them even further when they agreed to take in a baby with a rare heart condition.
“There were certain levels of disabilities and things that you can choose when doing the paperwork and we chose some minor things. So
when we got the phone call and found out what he had I did some research,”
Hiedi said.
The baby was born with Tetralogy of Fallot (ToF), a combination of heart defects.
“After researching it, I thought ‘We can handle this.’ I mean, I’ve dealt with my issues most of my life,” Hiedi said.
Hiedi has battled Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory bowel disease that can cause serious pain and other issues, since she was 6 years old.
She’s now 37 and said since having an ileostomy 10 years ago, she’s felt much better.
She said she and her husband, who live in Clinton, planned to have kids and did get pregnant twice. “Both of my pregnancies ended up ectopic (where the fertilized egg attaches itself to a place other than the uterus, often in the fallopian tube.) With the first pregnancy, they had to remove one tube and in the second pregnancy, they had to remove the other one,” Hiedi said.
Read the rest of the story in the June 14th edition of The Clinton Topper