Author Archive: RVPadmin

11/28/18 Brodhead Shopper

11/28/18 Brodhead Shopper

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11/21/18 Brodhead Shopper

11/21/18 Brodhead Shopper

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Pedestrian killed by hit and run motorist

On Saturday, Nov. 17, at approximately 12:11 a.m., Deputies from the Rock County Sherriff’s Office, along with Evansville Police, Fire & EMS, responded to N. CTH M between Elaine Drive and Hill Drive in Union Township for a male subject lying in the middle of N CTH M. The reporting […]


Arrow sworn in, committees provide updates

Arrow is the newest addition to the Brodhead Police Department.

Common Council received committee reports and swore in K-9 Arrow last week. Arrow acquired his very own badge as Mayor Pinnow swore him in. Police Chief Chris Hughes spoke of Brodhead’s journey to acquire a K-9 unit.


11/15/18 Clinton Classified

11/15/18 Clinton Classified

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


11/14/18 Brodhead Shopper

11/14/18 Brodhead Shopper

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11/8/18 Clinton Classified

11/8/18 Clinton Classified

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


11/7/18 Brodhead Shopper

11/7/18 Brodhead Shopper

[fourcol_one] [ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] [/fourcol_one] [fourcol_three_last] Click on the Download button to access a digital copy of the Shopper or click below to view in browser. [/fourcol_three_last]


11/1/18 Clinton Classified

11/1/18 Clinton Classified

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


10/31/18 Brodhead Shopper

10/31/18 Brodhead Shopper

[fourcol_one] [ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] [/fourcol_one] [fourcol_three_last] Click on the Download button to access a digital copy of the Shopper or click below to view in browser. [/fourcol_three_last]