Author Archive: RVPEditor

Huey helicopter dedicated as part of Green County Veterans Memorial Park Project

Huey helicopter dedicated as part of Green County Veterans Memorial Park Project

By Siara Schwartzlow, Editor Members of the Green County Veterans Memorial Park Project (GCVMPP) committee held a helicopter dedication ceremony Sunday, Nov. 6. A Huey helicopter that saw combat has been restored and will soon be mounted and placed on permanent display at the park, located just outside of Monroe […]


Playoff Football

The year was 1983 and I was a Junior in college when my former high school football Coach asked me if I would come on staff at my alma mater and help him Coach the Varsity team. Football had been such a big part of my life as a high […]


Time to Get Ready for Winter Safety

Although we haven’t seen any good “frost on the pumpkin” yet, it has been getting cold at night. Now that we are in the month of November the inevitable will happen soon and we will see our first cold spell. This will bring that physical warning that you are either […]


Clinton Cougars Claim Second Round Play-Off Game

Clinton Cougars Claim Second Round Play-Off Game

The Clinton Cougar football team survived the second round of WIAA Division 5 playoffs by beating the Arcadia Raiders with a score of 14-7. The Cougars faced a very evenly matched opponent on both sides of the ball. Both teams spent most of the first half trying to make the […]


Clinton School’s Operational Referendum to be Voted on Nov. 8

Clinton School’s Operational Referendum to be Voted on Nov. 8

The last of over 20 presentations related to the District’s Nov. 8 Operational Referendum ballot question took place on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at Clinton Elementary School. After months of Board study and input from the District’s Community Financial Advisory Community, the Board of Education authorized a resolution to exceed the […]


Community Against Cancer Supports Fund for Children of Cancer Patients

Community Against Cancer Supports Fund for Children of Cancer Patients

The Board of Community Against Cancer (CAC) recently presented a check for $6,500 to Beloit Cancer Center and Beloit Health System Foundation. The funds were raised by CAC and designated to assist the children of cancer patients in Beloit. Their fundraising campaign was named the “Let Them Be Little” Fund. In […]


Town Bank to Host Food Drive to Benefit Clinton Food Pantry

Town Bank to Host Food Drive to Benefit Clinton Food Pantry

  By Celeste Lightner-Greenwalt, FOR THE CLINTON TOPPER. Helping the community is the goal of Town Bank and by doing so they will be hosting a food drive beginning Monday, Nov. 7 through Saturday, Nov. 12 at their Clinton branch, as well as all of their other branches. The food […]


Bake sale to help fund Christmas with the Elderly 2016

Bake sale to help fund Christmas with the Elderly 2016

Tessa Kloepping and Oni Williams will be visiting six local nursing homes/retirement complexes in Brodhead, Albany, Orfordville, and Footville on Christmas Eve. They will be delivering Christmas cheer in the form of a small gift for each resident. Kloepping and Williams are taking this project over from Kloepping’ssister, Erin, and friend, Sarah Strathman, […]


Textile drive happening this weekend

Kid Connection will be holding a textile drive this Saturday, Nov. 5, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Wick Building at Brodhead Middle School. Did you know that consumers throw away 10 pounds of clothing annually and 85% of that ends up in our landfills?  So bring all your […]


Flag football season comes to a close

Flag football season comes to a close

By Becky Malkow, Correspondent The Brodhead Parks and Recreation youth flag football players were excited to end their season by getting to play on the high school football field last week. It was a great way to wrap up the season. Thanks to the Sports Boosters for providing a concession […]