Author Archive: RVPEditor

National Night Out takes camaraderie to new heights

By Siara Schwartzlow, Editor – Brodhead and surrounding areas took part in the 2016 National Night Out last Tuesday, August 2 at Jaycee Park for the third year. Representatives from Brodhead, Albany, Belleville, Orfordville, and Beloit participated, as well as those from numerous area organizations. According to the National Association […]


Cardinal Lanes open under new ownership

By Siara Schwartzlow, Editor – Mark Oyan became the new owner of Brodhead’s Cardinal Lanes on Friday, July 29. The bowling alley will hold a re-grand opening this Friday, August 12, just in time for Covered Bridge Days. Oyan has worked in the bowling business since 1989. He even started […]


Wildflower Walk set for August 14

Three species of monarch-attracting milkweed and 45 other native plants sporting a rainbow of colors will be highlighted during the Wildflower Walk at Putnam Park from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 14. The Wildflower Walk is part of the Brodhead Wildflower Festival, which also includes the Wildflower Art […]


Brodhead resident to present at Quilt Expo in September

Brodhead resident to present at Quilt Expo in September

A Brodhead resident and noted authority on quilting will present at the upcoming Quilt Expo in Madison. Eileen Daniels, an independent quilt artist, teacher, and lecturer, will lead two sessions of a lecture titled “Vintage Textiles with a Creative Twist.” Hundreds of lecture and presentation sessions at Quilt Expo provide an opportunity […]


Brodhead’s growing Covered Bridge Days festival quickly approaches – Don’t miss it!

Brodhead’s growing Covered Bridge Days festival quickly approaches - Don’t miss it!

Brodhead’s Covered Bridge Days festival will be held on Saturday, August 13 and Sunday, August 14. On Saturday, the Wildflower Art Festival, Jaycee Kids’ Run, Garden Club display, historic wagon tours ($4 and also good for south end admission), Brodhead Historic Museum, food and vendors, music, and street dance will […]


Many hands make for little work in rubber mulch installation project

Many hands make for little work in rubber mulch installation project

By Siara Schwartzlow, Editor Over 30 community volunteers contributed toward the Kid Connection’s Playground Project last Monday, July 25. The project focused on the installation of rubber mulch on the eastside playground at Albrecht Elementary. Originally expected to take up to four days, the task was finished in only one. […]


Junior golf program complete

Junior golf program complete

By Becky Malkow, Correspondent The Brodhead Cardinals’ summer junior golf program completed another successful year.  Eric Oliver, Al Oliver, and Brett Heitzman worked with young golfers every Friday from July 8 through July 29 at the Decatur Lake Golf Course.   Pick up this week’s print edition for full story…


Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival: 15 years and growing

Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival: 15 years and growing

The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival will take place Sept. 8-11 at Jefferson County Fair Park, Jefferson, Wis. This year’s festival expands to four days this year with the addition of a full schedule of fiber arts classes offered on Thursday, Sept. 8. With a total of 91 classes, the […]


Sweet corn and BLT’s: Garden produce is the best thing about summer

  By Scott Cernek PASTOR, HARVEST HILLS CHURCH Is there anything more delicious than steaming hot sweetcorn, dripping with butter and lightly sprinkled with salt and pepper? The only thing that makes sweetcorn taste better is the addition of a nice big fresh BLT sandwich. I make my BLTs with […]


Governor Walker appoints Rock County judge

  Governor Scott Walker appointed Attorney John Wood to serve as a judge on the Rock County Circuit Court, replacing retiring Judge Richard T. Werner. “It is my privilege to appoint John Wood to serve as a judge in Rock County,” said Governor Walker. “John has admirably served the Rock […]