Author Archive: RVPEditor

Rock County to host 2016 historic house tour

  The Rock County Historical Society’s 36th Annual Historic House tour is coming up on Aug. 21. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., guests can take self-guided tours of six houses in Janesville’s Courthouse Hill neighborhood. This historic neighborhood boasts a wide range of architectural styles ranging from dramatic Queen […]


Foresters provide residents free tree appraisal, guidance, training

  By Art Bushue CHAIR, CLINTON FORESTRY BOARD The average residential tree adds more than $1,400 to the value of its property in the eyes of prospective buyers. Also, a tree’s numerous benefits – many unknown by the public – repay some three times the investment made in them over […]


It’s summertime summertime sum sum summertime, summertime…

  By John Rindfleisch CLINTON FIRE CHIEF Well shut them books and throw em away, Say goodbye to dull school days, So come on and change your ways, It’s summertime. Well no more studying history, And no more reading geography, And no more dull geometry, Because it’s summertime. It’s time to […]


Emergency crews respond to two-vehicle injury crash on Hwy. 11 near Footville

  On July 31 at approximately 1:08 p.m., Footville Fire Department and Rock County Sheriff’s Office Deputies were sent to W. Hwy 11 near Footville, WI. For a two-vehicle head-on collision. Responding agencies arrived to find a White Hyundai Accent in the roadway, and a Red Jeep Wrangler in the […]


Library announces prize winners

The Brodhead Public Library is pleased to announce the winners of the 2016 Teen and Adult Summer Library Program Prizes. From June 13 through July 25, 12 teens and 46 adults earned entry tickets by tracking their weekly reading time. The grand prize for each program, a $50.00 Best Buy […]


Brodhead resident to present at Quilt Expo in September

A Brodhead resident and noted authority on quilting will present at the upcoming Quilt Expo in Madison. Eileen Daniels, an independent quilt artist, teacher, and lecturer, will lead two sessions of a lecture titled “Vintage Textiles with a Creative Twist.” Hundreds of lecture and presentation sessions at Quilt Expo provide an opportunity […]


Brodhead’s growing Covered Bridge Days festival quickly approaches – Don’t miss it!

Brodhead’s Covered Bridge Days festival will be held on Saturday, August 13 and Sunday, August 14. On Saturday, the Wildflower Art Festival, Jaycee Kids’ Run, Garden Club display, historic wagon tours ($4 and also good for south end admission), Brodhead Historic Museum, food and vendors, music, and street dance will […]


Many hands make for little work in rubber mulch installation project

By Siara Schwartzlow, Editor Over 30 community volunteers contributed toward the Kid Connection’s Playground Project last Monday, July 25. The project focused on the installation of rubber mulch on the eastside playground at Albrecht Elementary. Originally expected to take up to four days, the task was finished in only one. […]


Traffic deployment leads to several arrests

Traffic deployment leads to several arrests

  On July 20, deputies from the Rock County Sheriff’s Office along with officers from the Wisconsin State Patrol, Town of Beloit Police Department, FBI Safe Streets Task Force and agents from the Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections took part in a traffic interdiction in South Central Rock County. The intent […]




Susan A. Repaal, 66, of Clinton, Wis., died Wednesday, July 20, 2016 in UW Hospital, Madison, Wis. from complications of diabetes. She was born Oct. 4, 1949 in Belvidere, the daughter of Louis C. and Gladys (Krupke) Shull.  Susan was a 1967 graduate of Clinton High School. She was also […]