Author Archive: RVPEditor

Vacation Bible School to begin soon

BRODHDEAD – The Brodhead United Methodist Church invites children to Cave Quest Vacation Bible School: Following Jesus, the Light of the World. A summer kids’ VBS called Cave Quest VBS will be hosted at Brodhead UMC from Monday, June 20th to the 24th. At Cave Quest, kids explore what it […]


High school band Facetimes with composer Randall Standridge

High school band Facetimes with composer Randall Standridge

By Melody Pope Correspondent BRODHEAD — The high school’s band room was graced with a bit of star power on Thursday, as students and band director, Jason Riesterer, Facetimed with established composer Randall Standridge. Facetime is a popular video-chatting app. “I tell the students I have a man crush on […]


Career Day engages students in thoughts of the future

Career Day engages students in thoughts of the future

BRODHEAD — On Wednesday, April 20, Brodhead Middle School hosted its 6th annual Career Day. Twenty-two members of the Brodhead community and the surrounding area joined efforts to share their expertise about their careers. Various career areas were represented, including engineering and technology, legal and criminal justice, agriculture, health sciences, […]


Reality Store project brings cost into focus for high school students

BRODHEAD – Eighty-three Personal Finance students completed the 6th annual Reality Store on Tuesday, April 12. Each of the students had to research possible careers they would like to go into and find out what the monthly salary would be in Wisconsin for that job. The students used that as […]


Cardinals come out on top in dual meets

By Derek Hoesly Correspondent BRODHEAD — The Brodhead-Juda boys’ track and field team cruised to a couple of dual-meet wins, 100-46 over Beloit Turner and 108-38 over Clinton. The girls’squad picked up a pair of dual-meet victories, beating Beloit Turner 82-64 and Clinton 102-44 last Tuesday. In the 100-meter dash, […]


Amber Pickel receives Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship

Amber Pickel receives Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship

  BRODHEAD — Brodhead High School is pleased to announce that Amber Pickel is a recipient of the 2016 Herb Kohl Excellence Scholarship. The Kohl Foundation Excellence Scholarship was established by Herb Kohl to provide scholarships to graduating Wisconsin high school students who have demonstrated academic excellence, outstanding leadership, citizenship, […]


Each day is a gift

I awoke this morning a little before five o’clock.It wasn’t time to get up yet so I just laid there for a bit waiting for sleep to return.All at once one little bird began to chirp quietly outside in the trees. In just a matter of a few seconds, some […]


Time to think about the many hazards of summer

Well I broke down to the neighborhood peer pressure and mowed my yard. I am not the guy that has to be the first one on the block to mow my lawn, in fact I hold out as long as possible. I also don’t mow it down to look like […]


Great Lakes Basin Rail environmental feedback, Due June 15

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter JANESVILLE – About 450 people attended the scoping meeting at Craig High School on April 14 to voice and listen to environmental concerns and try to save 545 acres of the most fertile farmland in the nation. Two hundred orange Rock against the Rail T-shirts […]


Janesville man shot, killed while turkey hunting

TOWN OF JOHNSTOWN – On Sunday, April 17 at 7 :37 a.m., Deputies and Detectives from the Rock County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a male with a gunshot wound in a field near N. Lima Center Road/E. CTH A in the Town of Johnstown. Fire and EMS personnel […]