Author Archive: RVPEditor

‘Rock against the Rail’ organizes individual, collective effort to stop proposed railroad

‘Rock against the Rail’ organizes individual,  collective effort to stop proposed railroad

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – “No eminent domain for private gain,” was the message repeated by many locals who filled the Clinton High School commons area on Wednesday, April 6. Many signed petitions, picked up township maps, and registered to receive more information. Prior to and after the […]


Community Pancake Breakfast to mark 70th anniversary of Brodhead Airport

BRODHEAD — Chapter 431 of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) at Brodhead Airport will host the annual Community Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, May 22 at the airport from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This year marks the 70th anniversary of Brodhead Airport, which was founded in 1946 by Bill Earleywine […]


Kenneth R. Clark

Kenneth R. Clark, 79, of Harlingen, TX, formerly of Janesville, Wis., passed away on April 7, 2016, at Valley Baptist Medical Center, Harlingen, TX.  Memorial services will be held on Saturday, May 7. The time and location of the visitation and service have yet to be determined.  The D.L. Newcomer […]


Protected: Cardinals come out on top in dual meets

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Library seeks volunteers

This summer, teens can be a part of the Summer Library Program, “ON YOUR MARK, GET SET…READ!” The library is looking for volunteers aged 12 and older to help with the Summer Library Program. Teen volunteers will help with a variety of fun activities and events planned for elementary-age students. […]


City to flush hydrants

City to flush hydrants

During the week of April 25th, Brodhead Water and Light will be flushing hydrants, beginning north of the railroad tracks and moving south.  If you notice any discoloration in your water, run cold water for several minutes to clear it up.  Please contact Pat at 558-0598 with any questions.


Boxcars breakfasts brings motivational speakers to teens

Boxcars breakfasts brings motivational speakers to teens

CLINTON – Every Tuesday morning, Tim and Randi Pogorelski, owners of Boxcars Pub and Grub on Allen Street in Clinton, host a free breakfast for middle and high school students. The breakfasts also feature different motivational speakers each week who address life issues faced by youth today. Speakers have included […]


Clinton Public Library Foundation received Rock County Agricultural Grant

Clinton Public Library Foundation received Rock County Agricultural Grant

By Mary Ann Inman Reporter CLINTON – The Clinton Public Library Foundation Inc announced that it has received a grant from the Rock County Agricutural, a component of the Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin Inc to support the raised bed garden for the library. The garden will be laid out […]


Band trip creates lasting memories for 72 students

Band trip creates lasting memories for 72 students

By Siara Schwartzlow Editor BRODHEAD – Early Friday morning, a group of 72 students and 18 adults returned from a fieldtrip to Tennessee. Students took tours, held performances, and even sang karaoke. The group’s time of departure was set for 8 p.m. Sunday night, March 20, but the time was […]


Veterans Memorial Park honors heroes with new helicopter

Veterans Memorial Park honors heroes with new helicopter

By Melody Pope Correspondent MONROE — For the survivors of seemingly impossible situations, finding sanctuary – however critical – is no easy task. Nonetheless, Larry and Karen Ayres have accomplished just that. “There are veterans who come here to find comfort,” Larry Ayres said of the Green County Veterans Memorial […]