Last weekend Mother Nature showed us that she is still in charge. The predictions of a sizeable snowfall came true and everyone had to either shovel, use a snow blower or plow their way out before work on Monday. Let’s go over some tips from EHS to make sure we do these chores safely. The seasonal chore of snow shoveling combines heavy lifting and cold weather, resulting in possible injuries to the back and shoulder muscles, if you do not take the proper precautions. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) makes several recommendations to help you stay safe while clearing snow so you can still have some winter fun. Per the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission, more than 118,000 were treated for injuries sustained while shoveling or manually removing snow in 2007. In that same year, 15,000 were injured using snow blowers – three times as many snow blower injuries than in 2006. Types of injuries can include sprains and strains, particularly in the back and shoulders, as well as lacerations and finger amputations.

“People tend to think of snow removal as just another household task, but it really involves a lot of bending and heavy lifting, particularly in wet snow. It may be especially dangerous for people who do not regularly exercise, as their bodies, specifically backs, shoulder and arm muscles, may not be prepared for that level of activity. Check with your doctor. Because this activity places high stress on the heart, speak with your physician first. If you have a medical condition or do not exercise regularly, consider hiring someone to remove the snow. Dress appropriately. Light, layered, water-repellent clothing provides both ventilation and insulation. It is also important to wear the appropriate head coverings, as well as mittens or gloves and thick, warm socks. Take a break if you feel yourself getting too hot or too cold. Make sure that your hat or scarf does not block your vision. Watch for ice patches and uneven surfaces. Avoid falls by wearing shoes or boots that have slip-resistant soles. Clear snow early and often. Begin when a light covering of snow is on the ground to avoid trying to clear packed, heavy snow. Before you start shoveling, stretch and warm up your muscles. Shoveling can be a vigorous activity. Before you begin, warm up your muscles for 10 minutes with light exercise. Pace yourself. Take frequent breaks and replenish fluids to prevent dehydration.

If you experience chest pain, shortness of breath or other signs of a heart attack, seek emergency care immediately. Use a shovel that is comfortable for your height and strength. Do not use a shovel that is too heavy or too long for you. Consider buying a shovel that is specially designed to prevent too much stooping. Space your hands on the tool grip to increase your leverage. When possible, push the snow instead of lifting it. If you must lift, take small amounts of snow, and lift it with your legs. Squat with your legs apart, knees bent and back straight. Lift by straightening your legs, without bending at the waist. Then walk to where you want to dump the snow; holding a shovelful of snow with your arms outstretched puts too much weight on your spine. Do not throw the snow over your shoulder or to the side. This requires a twisting motion that stresses your back. Use extreme caution when you get out the snow blower. Never stick anything, especially your hands or feet in the snow blower when it is running. If snow becomes too impacted, stop the motor, and wait at least five seconds. Use a solid object to clear wet snow or debris from the chute. Beware of the recoil of the motor and blades after the machine has been turned off. Do not leave the snow blower unattended when it is running. Shut off the engine if you must walk away from the machine. Watch the snow blower cord. If you are operating an electric snow blower, always be aware of where the power cord is, so you do not trip and fall. Add fuel before starting the snow blower. Never add fuel when the engine is running or hot. Do not warm up or operate the machine in an enclosed area. Prior to using a snow blower, read the instruction manual for specific safety hazards, unfamiliar features, and whenever attempting to repair or maintain the snow blower. As the winter season heats up and you put your plow on the road, remember these safety tips to keep you, your truck and your plow safe this plowing season.

When transporting a snowplow, angle the blade to the right (toward the curb). This will reduce the chance of catching a curb or a snowbank that could pull your vehicle into it. It’s a good idea to keep the plow control turned off to prevent accidental operation. When transporting a plow, position the blade so as not to block the plow headlights or your vision. Do not exceed 40 mph when transporting a plow. Do not exceed 14 mph when plowing. When transporting a plow or while plowing, check the temperature gauge often. Overheating the engine can be costly. If the vehicle overheats, stop, and correct the problem. If overheating occurs while transporting, stop, and adjust blade position to allow more airflow to the radiator. Before it snows, walk around the area you will be plowing to check for obstacles that will become hidden when snow is on the ground. Look for things such as bumper stops and speed bumps, curbs, sidewalk edges, shrubs, water drains, fire hydrants, fences and pipes sticking up from the ground. To prevent damage to the area being plowed, as well as to your snowplow and truck, mark any obstructions that will be hard to see when there’s snow on the ground. Always wear a seat belt when operating a motor vehicle and never plow with your head out the window. When moving in reverse, don’t rely on the vehicle mirrors. Turn around and look where you’re going. When plowing in dirt or gravel, lower the plow shoes. This will raise the blade so you don’t scrape the surface away. When plowing on asphalt or concrete, raise or remove the plow shoes so that you scrape as close to the surface as possible. When you’re finished plowing, lower the blade to the ground and turn the plow control off for safety. This will also take stress off the hydraulic components.

Until next week, stay safe

Chief Rindfleisch