Hello, my name is Rileigh Powers and I am the 2018-2019 Brodhead Dairy Queen. I would like to say a few Thank You’s and give a brief synopsis of my year as I pass the crown to Samantha McGuire Brodhead’s 2019-2020 Dairy Queen. Thank you to the Green County Ag Chest for this wonderful program for without them I would not have become the young woman I am today.  I would like to thank the Brodhead Chamber of Commerce for making my year as The Brodhead Dairy Queen possible and for sponsoring so many events in the community. To the Optimist and Lions Clubs thank you for having open arms when it came to me wanting to stop by with a cheese tray at various events. Thank you to the Elementary School for allowing myself and Alice in Dairyland to teach the children about agriculture.

Pick up the June 26th print edition for full story….