Car show boasted a Pin-Up Girls Contest
Car show boasted a Pin-Up Girls Contest
Complied by Amy Cushing
The Clinton Homestyle Car Show, hosted by Traffic Jams of Clinton and Wrenchlife on July 29, featured a unique event for the area – a Pin-Up Girls Contest.

There were 8 ladies that entered the Pin-Up Girls Contest. The participants here pose with a 1967 Chevy Chevelle. From the left: Kate Quinn, Wendy Crowley, Rayann Brown, Jennifer Heritsch, Amy Argue, Jameson Fecht and Krystal Peterson.
Held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the contest presented eight ladies to a large crowd of spectators. There were no requirements to enter. Each lady was required to walk the stage, strike a pose for the three judges, and answer three questions from them. Each was rated by the judges on a scale from 1-10 points total.
The judges were Wendy Quaas, Nichole Brooks, and Kathy Kamner Troy. They are from a local horse rescue group that Traffic Jams partnered with called Serenity Horse Rescue.
The group of ladies came from all over the area – some as far as two hours away.
Contestants were:
• Jameson Fecht, “Miss Cherry Divine”
• Krystal Peterson, “Miss Cherry Pistol”
• Wendy Crowley, “Miss Koe Oss”
• Rayann Brown, “Miss Bella Trix”
• Amy Argue, “Miss Darling Avenleigh May”
• Jennifer Heritsch, “Miss Gertie Goodnight”
• Kate Quinn, “Miss Kitty Kat”
• Jamie Pecoraro, “Miss Sassafrass”

And the winners are…! First place winner was “Miss Sassafrass” Jamie Pecoraro, second place was “Miss Darling Avenleigh May” Amy Argue, and third place was “Miss Bella Trix” Rayann Brown.
In the end, the judges came to the decision that the first place winner was “Miss Sassafrass” Jamie Pecoraro, second place was “Miss Darling Avenleigh May” Amy Argue, and third place was “Miss Bella Trix” Rayann Brown.
Three of the pin-up gals were also given a special award. The Traffic Jams Pin-Up Girl Award was given to Rayann Brown, Amy Argue, and Jameson Fecht. They were a large part of what made the whole event come together and work out, from their donations to allowing the other girls to borrow hats and petty coats – and Jameson even did hair before the event’s start.
Traffic Jams would like to give a special thanks to Heather Wood of Hickory Wood Events for letting them hold their event there, and the Barbara Ann Band for donating their services by playing the event at no cost.