
To serve, protect … and play Santa Brodhead police help fulfill wishes through Shop with a Cop

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Independent-Register
	Since officers and area children can’t shop together for this year’s Shop with a Cop event, Brodhead police will make special deliveries to participating children on Dec. 19.

By Katelyn Black, Correspondent The holidays are back, and so is the Brodhead Police Department’s Shop with a Cop event. Things will look a little different this year, but the department still wants to bring joy to area children and families in the area — even if they have to […]


Brodhead superintendent plans June retirement

Brodhead School District Superintendent Leonard Lueck will retire after this school year, he announced recently. “It’s just my time to retire,” said Lueck, who noted that his decision is not related to challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lueck said he plans to spend more time with his family, which includes […]


Shining a light on Christmas cheer Decorating contests offer way to enjoy holiday displays safely

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Independent-Register
	It looks like Santa had a little trouble trying to make a quick stop at Bullwinkle’s Coffee & More in Brodhead. Brodhead chamber officials are encouraging people to enter a holiday decorating contest while sharing their holiday displays with the community this month.

By Katelyn Black, Correspondent For many, one of the best parts of Christmas — besides the holiday itself — are the lights and decorations. Luckily, for anyone in the Brodhead or Orfordville area, there will be plenty to see this December. For the second year in a row, the Brodhead […]


Two resign from Brodhead Common Council, citing COVID challenges

By Tony Ends, Correspondent  Brodhead has begun looking to replace two common council members who recently resigned citing COVID-19 challenges on work and home life. Aldermen Paul Huffman and Erin Menzel tendered their resignations effective immediately in correspondence dated Nov. 9 and Nov. 13 respectively to Brodhead’s mayor and council. […]


EMS project provides new garage, quarters for on-call volunteers Fundraising ongoing for Brodhead station

MARY HOOKHAM PHOTO The Independent-Register
	An expansion project at Brodhead EMS includes a new garage and renovations to allow for bunkrooms. The quarters will allow out-of-town volunteers to stay at the station while on call.

By Katelyn Black, Correspondent Brodhead EMS is in the middle of expanding its current station at 1003 12th St. to house more ambulances and include new living quarters for volunteers. The first phase of this project, which includes the new garage, is coming to a close right now, while the […]


No ‘paws’ in fundraising for Brodhead police K9 program Donations always needed, online auction in the works

Brodhead Police Officer Brian Bennett stands with his K9 partner, Arrow, outside the Brodhead Police Department. The special squad vehicle features addi-tional technology, including window-mounted cooling fans and a repurposed rear passenger compartment to keep Arrow riding in comfort. Donations from area businesses and community members are vital to the K9 program.

By Brett Sharp, Correspondent About two years ago the Brodhead Police Department welcomed its first four-legged officer in the form of then 3-year-old German shepherd, Arrow. He was brought to the department thanks to fundraising efforts by the Brodhead Police Association and the local community. Despite raising about $50,000 to […]


Cover crop acreage grows in Green County Farmers make the most of what’s below to feed soil

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Independent-Register
	Brodhead-area farmers Jerry and Barb Daniels have been working with and learning about cover crops for the last five years. They planted multiple sunflower species, hairy vetch, various clovers, turnips and tillage radishes in this field.

By Mary Hookham, Correspondent Cover crops are the way of the future in the agriculture industry. Their use is gaining popularity around the state of Wisconsin and especially in the Driftless Region of the state. Green County continues to increase acreage planted in cover crops every year. “Planting cover crops […]


It’s peak season for deer versus vehicle incidents State advises motorists to slow down, be on the lookout

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation, State Patrol and partner law enforcement agencies are reminding motorists to be alert for the potential of deer darting across roadways during upcoming weeks. Deer versus vehicle crashes typically peak during the October and November “rutting” period when bucks pursue potential mates. “The best strategy […]


Farmers stressed as virus outbreak drags on Technology troubles, mental health issues complicate operations

MARY HOOKHAM PHOTO The Independent-Register
	Mike Wenger of Brodhead unloads the hopper of his combine into a waiting grain truck late last week on County Road OK south of Highway 11.

By Mary Hookham, Correspondent Many farmers believe in being eternal optimists. Technology woes, mental health issues and fluctuating commodity prices have optimists feeling saddened this year. But farmers are looking to the future for hope, better prices and fewer sources of stress. “We have to remember that farmers and agribusinesses […]


Hard times, hard work made easier when shared among friends Farmers help Brewer family harvest soybeans after losing mother and father within months

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Independent-Register
Members of the Brewer family gather for a photo in the soybean field on harvest day. The adults, from the left, are Tony Brewer, Nicole Brewer, Tami Behnke, Brian Behnke and Traci Brewer with youngsters Jaxson and Kinslee.

By Mary Hookham, Correspondent Glenn and Joann Brewer’s three adult children, Tami, Traci and Tony, are grateful for the lessons their parents taught them. The most important lesson is how to be happy doing the work that needs to be done each day on the family’s dairy and crop farm […]