
Factory, store back up to speed Maple Leaf Cheese continues a century of service in Green County

The Twin Grove co-op factory originally was located in Albany.

By Katelyn Black, Contributor June is recognized as National Dairy Month, but it’s still business as usual for the Southern Wisconsin-based company Maple Leaf Cheese. With a factory located in Twin Grove and specialty grocery stores in New Glarus and Juda, Maple Leaf Cheese has become a longtime staple throughout […]


Brodhead library to allow patrons again next month

By Dan Moeller, Correspondent Starting July 1, patrons will be allowed to enter the Brodhead library, although browsing the stacks will still be off limits. The board approved that change at its meeting last Thursday. Like the May meeting, it was conducted via Zoom. The meeting lasted an hour and […]


Some folks are playing ball Adult softball leagues begin under new, more restrictive guidelines

By Todd Mishler, Editor Wade Boegli understands all too well the curve ball that the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown at everybody. So, like with most of life these days, the City of Brodhead Parks and Recreation Department director has begun to move forward in this time of reopening while maintaining […]


Resolution sparks petition drive More than 9,000 against change that would allow ATV use on state trail

The Sugar River State Trail covers 24 miles between Brodhead and New Glarus.

By Todd Mishler, Editor Kassandra Huffman didn’t blink upon hearing the news despite potential familial discord and the possibility of taking on city hall in Brodhead. Huffman started a petition drive to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources — focusing her attention at its Southwest Savannah Ecological Landscape planning team […]


Trying times for a shepherd. Local pastor, congregation united while traveling faith journey during pandemic

Bethlehem Lutheran Church remained silent on Sunday as the Rev. Peder Johanson and the congre-gation continued to follow Safer-at-Home protocol during the pandemic.

By Todd Mishler, Editor “The church is not the building, the church is the people.” That philosophy has helped the Rev. Peder Johanson and members of his congregation at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Brodhead for a decade, but more importantly while traveling their faith journey during the coronavirus pandemic. “Life […]


Chamber announces Fourth of July changes

Brodhead Chamber of Commerce President Michael Lowery announced Sunday that the Independence Day Fourth of July parade will go on as planned and kick off at noon on July 4. The parade route has been designed to allow for social distancing. Businesses and organizations are encouraged to participate by contacting […]


Reactions mixed after Brodhead, county stick to Safer-at-Home order

City of Brodhead Police Department Chief Chris Hughes issued a statement on May 13 after the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled against Gov. Tony Evers’ Safer-at-Home declaration, which was scheduled to end on May 26. Hughes posted to the department’s Facebook page: “First off I want to thank residents and businesses […]


Brodhead Area EMS Milestones

COURTESY PHOTO Independent Register
Brodhead EMS
	Brodhead Area EMS Crew care for a simulated ro-botic patient in respiratory distress during training with Mercyhealth.

This is the third of a series of four articles, marking the 30-year anniversary of the Brodhead Area Emergency Medical Service.  The first two articles shared their humble beginnings and progress through the years. Today’s feature informs the community about the Brodhead Area EMS service today. A great deal has […]


Brodhead’s Dog Barking Lot is up and running

COURTESY PHOTO Independent Register
It’s doggie play time
	Alliyah Hoff brought her senior project to fruition when the Brodhead Barking Lot dog park officially opened on 1/1/2020.

Hello, everyone! My name is Alliyah Hoff and my senior project is helping with the Brodhead Barking Lot dog park!  The Brodhead Barking Lot officially opened on 1/1/2020 and a few questions have arisen in the interim. Hopefully the following Q&A will help smooth out a few ‘ruff’ lines! Do […]


Brodhead library shows increases in most categories

By Dan Moeller, Correspondent – The Brodhead public library showed increased usage in many categories in 2019 compared to 2018. The information was contained in the annual report that library director Angela Noel presented to the board and the board approved last week. Pick up the Feb. 29th print edition […]