
Leaves and snow, what you need to know

By Jeremy Gokey, Correspondent – Autumn means fallen leaves which are soon followed by fallen snow and the City of Brodhead wants to remind all residents what to do with those leaves and snow. Leaf pickup begins around Oct. 15 each year and ends mid-November. Leaves put out for pickup […]


Bullying Awareness Day

COURTESY PHOTO Independent Register
Bullying Awareness Day
	Students at BMS brightened up the hallways and classrooms with positive comments and encouraging words. Bullies are not welcome at Brodhead Middle School.

Library to no longer reimburse for found books

By Dan Moeller, Correspondent – The Brodhead library has decided to no longer reimburse patrons for lost books that are paid for and later found and returned. The library board decided on the policy change last week, effective April 1, 2020. The delay in implementing a new policy acknowledges the […]


Common Council swears in Youth in Government students for the 2019-2020 school year

By Jeremy Gokey, Correspondent – The 2019-2020 Youth in Government Advisory Council representatives were sworn in. The four participants are students at Brodhead High School. Craig Christensen is a senior in his third year as a student representative. Sebastian Van Wyhe is a senior in his third year as a […]


Bank of Brodhead trip to Washington DC

Bank of Brodhead trip to Washington DC

Courtesy Photo Independent Register, On Sept. 5, 47 people boarded a bus and traveled to Washington DC. While there, they visited many of the memorials, the White House, the Capital, Arlington National Cemetery, the Smithsonian Institute, Museum of the Bible and Mount Vernon. They also stopped at the Senator John […]


1,000 Books

COURTESY PHOTO Independent Register
1000 books
	Liam and Charleigh completed the Brodhead Me-morial Public Library’s “1,000 Books Before Kinder-garten” program. They recently visited the library and received a new t-shirt for completing the program.
	The 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program is designed to help parents prepare their children for one of life’s big milestones: kindergarten. Research projects have proven over and over that children get ready to read years before they begin their formal ed-ucation. The most effective way to get your child ready to learn is to read to them. Register your child, at the library, to participate in this valuable program.

Band Camp 2019

COURTESY PHOTO Independent Register
Another Brodhead High School Band camp is in the books!

Pick up the Aug. 28th print edition for more photos


9th Annual Wildflower Art Festival Awards

COURTESY PHOTO Independent Register
The award for “Best of Show” went to 3-D Mixed Media artist Mark Lajiness of Janesville, WI.

Due to widespread community support and unexpectedly perfect weather, the Brodhead Chamber’s ninth Annual Wildflower Art Festival, held on Saturday, August 10th, was a huge success!  Artists and patrons alike expressed their appreciation for the organization and high quality of the show.  Live music was provided all day, courtesy of […]


Garden of the Month

COURTESY PHOTO Independent Register

Taking a nice drive into the country you will find our “Garden of the Month” at Steve & Cindi Wallace’s, N3791 Cty. F.  You will see its beauty from the road, but you’re welcome to take the circle drive thru or stop and walk around. Pick up the Aug. 21st […]


Brodhead Night Out

Tristan Mau try to get to the top of the rock wall.