While “traveling” to Africa with Mrs. Tresemer in geography, seventh-grade students learned about a young girl named Beatrice from Uganda. Beatrice was given the gift of a goat from Heifer International. Seventh-grade students were given the opportunity to make a monetary donation to Heifer International. Upon doing so, students signed […]
By Erica Gokey, Editor – The Senior/Community Center committee and Common Council held meetings Jan. 14. The main topic of discussion was the Senior/Community Center. At the Senior/Community Center meeting, information was discussed about the conversations between the committee and the state. On Dec. 18, 2018, the Common Council voted […]
By Dan Moeller , CORRESPONDENT – “We did a lot in 2018,” Brodhead library director Angela Noel said last week in accessing the library’s year. One of the biggest efforts the library has been making in recent years is to increase programs and program attendance and that continued last year, […]
By Jeremy Gokey, Correspondent – Longstanding Cubmaster Mike Visger of Brodhead Pack 108 is stepping aside on Feb. 28, 2019 after dedicating 13 years to the position. Visger became a den leader in 2005 and took the role of Cubmaster in 2006 after Joe Sandlin stepped down. Visger made the […]
By Jeremy Gokey, Correspondent – Sinnin’ Skinn Inkworks moved to 1008 First Center Avenue in downtown Brodhead on Dec. 1, 2018 and has had a warm welcome by city leaders and residents. Matt (Madd Matt) Bremer and Diana Baade own and operate Sinnin’ Skinn Inkworks. The tattoo shop recently relocated […]
By Jeremy Gokey, Correspondent – The Senior Center Committee met last week to review the updated design and discuss a spring referendum question and fundraising to meet the Apr. 1, 2019 deadline for the matching $500,000 senior center grant. Finalizing the land has been slowed due to the holidays. The […]
By Jeremy Gokey, Correspondent – Decatur Township residents living on Prairie Road wrote a letter to the board asking for help in limiting access to Pinnacle Dairy’s trucks. David Olsen, a resident of Prairie Road, addressed the board concerning excessive traffic along Prairie Road. “This fall there were empty trucks […]
Over 60 seventh and eighth-grade members of the Team of Outstanding Leaders were out and about on Dec. 3. TOOL adviser, Stephanie Tresemer, would like to thank Beth Riesterer for joining the TOOL team on this busy day of leadership enrichments. This annual tradition of spreading holiday cheer, while volunteering […]
By Erica Gokey, Editor – The Senior/Community Center committee has been meeting over the last few weeks to discuss building plans and possible referendum questions for the April 2019 ballot. On Dec. 4, the committee met to observe a design concept from Chris Manske from Keller Group. Mayor Doug Pinnow […]
By Erica Gokey, Editor – The Brodhead Fire & Ice Festival went off without a hitch this last weekend. Although attendance was down at the beginning of the festival, the numbers slowly grew as the parade came near. The wind died down just in time for festivities and the temperature […]