
Council approves 2019 budget, listens to committee updates

By Erica Gokey, Editor – Common Council opened the night with a public hearing regarding the 2019 city budget last week. A regular Council meeting followed. Increases to the budget include Annual Audit, Municipal Court, Attorney fees, and Clerk/Treasurer life insurance. The fireworks fund increased to $4,000 and $1,000 was […]


Brodhead Chamber holds last membership meeting of 2018

By Michele Benesh, Correspondent – Brodhead Chamber of Commerce met at Fibs North for their last membership meeting of 2018 last week.  It has been the practice for several years to omit a December membership meeting because of busy schedules. Vice President Dusty Kubly chaired the lunch meeting in the […]


Arrow sworn in, committees provide updates

Arrow is the newest addition to the Brodhead Police Department.

Common Council received committee reports and swore in K-9 Arrow last week. Arrow acquired his very own badge as Mayor Pinnow swore him in. Police Chief Chris Hughes spoke of Brodhead’s journey to acquire a K-9 unit.


Brodhead performs Shrek the Musical

ERICA GOKEY PHOTO The Independent-Register
The Duloc dancers (Amanda Visger, Hannah Shickles, Kiersten Glynn, Genna Myhre, Victoria Streuly, Ashley Lahaie, Sadie Erb, Alexis Kammerer, and Abigail Mills) are the greeters for Duloc.

By Erica Gokey, Editor – Brodhead High School presented their rendition of Shrek this past weekend. The cast put on 17 musical numbers spanning over a two-hour time span. DreamWorks Theatricals and Neal Street Productions originally produced the show on Broadway. Pick up the Nov. 14th print edition for more […]


Albrecht Elementary pays respects to Veterans

ERICA GOKEY PHOTO The Independent-Register
Laney Weis speaks about the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day and recites “In Flanders Field”.

By Erica Gokey, Editor – Albrecht Elementary put together a memorable program to honor area Veterans. David Novy opened the program followed by the Green County Sheriff’s Department Honor Guard marching in the colors with Brodhead 5th grade Cub Scouts. Fifth grader Bryson Oliver performed an impressive rendition of the […]


Brodhead was home to typewriter business

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Independent-Register
R.C. Allen Business Machines, Inc. was located on the south side of the Brodhead Square.

By Betty Earleywine While preparing for a program for the Brodhead Historical Society, I learned a lot about the typewriter industry in Brodhead. In January 1946, the Woodstock Typewriter Company bought the A.L. Allen building on West Exchange Street (the Brodhead Independent-Register building). It had a basement, first and second […]


Sunflowers, burgers, brats, and beer – a Harvest Celebration and Fundraiser at the Three Waters Reserve in Brodhead

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Independent-Register
Sunflowers blooming this summer on the new Three Waters Reserve, the former “Front Nine” of the Decatur Lake Golf Course in Brodhead.

Buy a bag of birdseed and get a free, locally produced burger or brat.  Wash it down with local brew, and repeat. The Southern Wisconsin Land Conservancy and local conservation partners welcome the community to a harvest celebration and fundraiser Saturday, Nov. 10 and Saturday, Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. […]


Brodhead Jaycees Holiday Market is this Saturday

The Brodhead Jaycees Holiday Market is finally here. Don’t miss it this Saturday, Nov. 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The first 50 shoppers receive a coupon for a free beverage or baked good.  Admission is $2 for adults and children are free.  We have over 70 vendor booths […]


What is the tax impact of the school district referendum?

The School Board is very much aware of the tough economic conditions facing families in our community and has timed and structured the referendum to limit the tax impact on our community.  They have the unenviable challenge of maintaining a strong, balanced educational program for our children, while still being […]


Brodhead K-9 set to graduate this week

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Independent-Register
Officer Brian Bennett and his partner, Arrow, are looking forward to the next step in the K-9 certification process.

By Erica Gokey, Staff Writer – Officer Brian Bennett and K-9 partner Arrow are hard at work in order to be certified as the official Brodhead K-9 Unit. Arrow is graduating from Steinig Tal Police K9 Academy in Campbellsport, Wis., where he trained for the past five weeks. Officer Bennett […]