By Tony Ends, Editor Letting go of Rock County 4-H Fair, which the four children we raised in Spring Valley Township lived for each year, was a tough part of growing older. Yet when press passes arrived at the newspaper office several weeks ago, I admit having mixed feelings. I […]
Hundreds of children from around Green County are headed to the fairgrounds in Monroe this week. Next Generation 4-H Club Cloverbud member Addilynn Andrews has been preparing her bunny for exhibition.
By Tony Ends EDITOR A senior consultant to non-profits and governments across Wisconsin for more than 35 years won Brodhead senior/community center committee backing last week. Committee members have met monthly – at times more often – for years to site a center in the city. Seven of those presently […]
Tony Ends works soil with a broad fork in a market garden of a village in Guinea, West Africa, earlier this year, while serving a second time with the Peace Corps as a UN field officer with the World Food Programme.
Since the project began in 2012, more than 1,300 citizens have reported nearly 3,000 turtle sightings throughout Wisconsin and have identified more than 1,300 turtle road crossing hotspots.
The detailed market and community analysis of potential for building and operating a hotel in Brodhead will debut for the public with a presentation from its principle architect.
Brodhead Police Association President Mary Wells rpresented a check to Police Chief Chris Hughes helping secure the funds needed to make the K9 unit in Brodhead a reality.