Ringhand talks school safety, funding, grants and dark-store legislation By Ryan Broege, Editor — State Sen. Janis Ringhand (D – Evansville) sat down with the Independent-Register last Tuesday for a wide-ranging discussion that touched on agriculture, school safety, transportation and other issues. Ringhand represents the 15th Senate district, which spans […]
By Dan Moeller, Correspondent – Library board president Kelly Gratz is working to restart the Friends of the Brodhead Library organization. Gratz reported on her efforts at the library board meeting last week. The board hopes to call another meeting in late April to form the group again, library director […]
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent – The Senior/Community Committee members were motivated by supportive letters and area community centers, while discussing the Senior/Community Center. Whether supportive or divergent of the decision for a bigger Senior/Community Center, the committee seems to be building momentum. At the latest meeting, held last Thursday, the […]
By Michele Benesh, Correspondent – Last Saturday was very cold and windy, but that didn’t stop a group of hearty volunteers from showing up at Putnam Park to install a split rail fence along the bank of the mill race where the native plantings are located. The group, organized as […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – Brodhead’s City Council convened for the final meeting this term ahead of Tuesday’s upcoming elections. With Alderman Paul Hoffman resigning his seat, incumbents Troy Huffman and Ann Anderson will join registered write-ins Allen Bruce and Ben Wellemeyer in a race for the three at-large council […]
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent – It was a bittersweet evening that marked restaurant in Brodhead, Wis. The restaurant staff cooked and served the last meals of Little Maya last Friday night. Pick up this week’s print edition for full story….
“The main issue is whether or not the way State legislative lines were redrawn violates the Constitution in terms of Equal Protection guaranteed by the 14th Amendment,” said Dr. David Canon, Professor and Leon Epstein Faculty Fellow at UW-Madison.
Once again, the Brodhead Garden Club is offering a scholarship to a graduating senior who is continuing their education in the fields of horticulture, plant science, landscaping or turf science. Students of Brodhead, Albany, Juda, Orfordville, and qualified home school applicants, are eligible to apply. If interested, please contact your […]
By Robin Marsden, Correspondent – With Easter just around the corner, you may start seeing pops of color throughout our town, hiding in a bush, in clump of grass, or up a tree. Do not be misled into thinking these are Easter eggs. Upon a closer look, they might just […]
Alderperson Huffman is not seeking re-election and this position will need to be filled. All Council members are “at large” representatives so any resident from the city can run for any open seat. Pick up this week’s print edition for full story….