Chris P. Hughes, Chief of Police, Brodhead Police Department – The police department budget is being questioned during this mayoral race, a discussion I have always welcomed. The information being provided over the last few months is lacking much-needed clarity. Municipal budgeting is a complex process, with many variables. When […]
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent – The annual Kid Connection crew and volunteers kept in stride with the large crowd that gathered for free games, food, and raffle baskets. Kid Connection is a nonprofit organization that uses donations from their events to benefit the Albrecht Elementary School. President of Kid Connection, […]
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent – Cub Scout Pack 108 have been busy bees this last week while hosting a Parent/Son Bake Off, All You Can Eat Spaghetti Supper, and attending a hockey game. The scouts were prepared for fun, while in attendance of a Madison Capitals men’s hockey game on […]
The Brodhead Chamber’s Mural Committee is working on plans for the community’s next mural, which will feature the Brodhead Fire Department, past and present. Details are currently being worked out, but there will surely be firetrucks and a number of firefighters featured on the mural. One will be Bob Olsen, […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – The Pinnacle megadairy is forging ahead on Decatur Sylvester Road, and has started meeting required water levels in monitoring wells after months of consistent, and stark, failures to do so. Each of the four pits has four pits, and the fourth abuts Decatur Sylvester Road. […]
By Michele Benesh Just before 5:30 p.m. on Friday evening, the Brodhead fire station was filled with people. Only some were firefighters. At 5:30, all of the firefighters’ pagers went off. There was no fire. In minutes, Bob Olsen pulled up to the station, summoned by his pager. He was […]
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent – A meeting of the Business Improvement District and Revitalization Committee was called to order, where the pressing topics on the agenda involved the UW-Extension Market Analysis and First Impressions Survey, entrance sign maintenance, and whether or not to create a Facebook page for the committee. […]
By Dan Moeller, Correspondent – The Brodhead library will be adding additional comfortable seating in the main section of the library. Library director Angela Noel reports that the recent weeding of library and rearranging of materials meant several shelves were no longer needed and could be sold or donated, thus […]
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent – Knute’s was standing room only, and reportedly turned customers away, at last Thursday’s singing showcase sponsored by 107.3 WSJY. The showcase was part of the fifth annual Voice 2018 competition, which brought out 16 competitors who vied for a $1,000 grand prize, to be awarded […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – The day Bob Olson joined up with the Brodhead Fire Department, an arsonist had been working all across town, setting nearly a dozen different fires. Olson was tailing the fire trucks, and admits now he was being a little nosy. A farmer finally challenged him, […]