By Ryan Broege, Editor – Parkview hosted the first annual Xtravaganza on Saturday, bringing 10 teams from eight area schools. The program was spearheaded by first-year director Alyssa Case, who said the morning-to-evening event went off basically without a hitch, except for a tight parking situation Saturday morning. “We’ve already […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – The owner of Earthrider bike shop, Sharon Kaminecki, has reportedly accepted an offer on the building on the square in downtown Brodhead. She was reportedly at the planning commission meeting on Jan. 3 asking questions of the committee. Other news from last week’s economic development […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – Officers employed by the city of Brodhead will pay a larger share toward their retirement funds, under a new contract signed Dec. 22, 2017. The contract between the city and the Brodhead Police Officers’ Local will extend through the 2020 calendar year. Pick up this […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – The Tuls organization will face yet another hurdle in its pursuit to clear conditions set forth by the county in the conditional permit. The dairy has to meet three conditions to meet the conditions set forth in the permit from the county. It met the […]
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent – As of December 3, 2017, the Brodhead Piggly Wiggly came under new ownership, Justin and Alicia Campbell assumed the reins from long-time owner, who retired last year. The decision had been in the works for the past few years. “It takes years of experience. There […]
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent – (Editor Ryan Broege contributed to this report) A social media post touched off a flurry of testimonials and attestations, and counters, among Brodhead diners who are put off by the manner in which local police are checking IDs. At about 9 a.m. Sunday morning, a […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – The M.J. Blackford Arboretum is fast approaching its 50th year of existence, evolving from an underdeveloped, exposed plot of grasses and small trees to a quiet, cozy, hidden gem with manicured paths and towering, shade-making trees. Paul Roemer, a former mathematics and music teacher at […]
By Dan Moeller, Correspondent – The Brodhead public library looks less full these days. That’s because the library staff has completed an extensive weeding of the collection. Library director Angela Noel notes that libraries need to be weeded from time to time to remove books that aren’t circulating anymore and […]
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent – Brodhead City Council met last Tuesday to recognize employment service and address committee reports. The meeting kicked off with a sendoff to Deputy Chief Brian Raupp, who will be leaving the Brodhead Police Department and joining the Orfordville police department as Chief at the beginning […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – In the unlikely event you make it a habit to look at city council agendas, last Tuesday’s likely caught you a bit off-guard. Item “c” under the third committee report: Possible Dissolution of the (Fire) District. The process would take its course over a year, […]