
Dance Wisconsin Celebrates 41years of ‘The Nutcracker’

Dance Wisconsin Celebrates 41years of ‘The Nutcracker’

Pictured are Spencer (in black), Kierstyn (kneeling) and Quentin (right) Vestin of Brodhead.   The Wisconsin Union Theater’s annual performance of “The Nutcracker,” will take place Saturday, Dec. 16 at 2 p.m and 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Dec.  17 at 2 p.m., The ballet begins at the home of the […]


Fire & Ice Festival first weekend of December

The Brodhead Fire & Ice Festival is just two weeks away, being held Friday, Dec. 1 and Saturday, Dec. 2.  The festival is a Christmas themed event for all ages. Pick up this week’s print edition for list of activities…….


New Sign Marks Arboretum

New Sign Marks Arboretum

A new metal sign has been installed in the Arboretum. The sign reads “M.J. Blackford Brodhead School Arboretum, Est. 1969.” The sign was made at Production Grinding & Machining (P-G and M) in Brodhead. On the top left of the sign is a silhouette of a sugar maple, Wisconsin’s state […]


One very happy blur

One very happy blur

August Hohl, Jr., is a blur as he runs to hug his father, August Hohl, who surprised his son with an early return from a National Guard deployment. Pick up this week’s print edition for more……


Better Brodhead offers Narcan training session

Better Brodhead offers Narcan training session

By Becky Malkow, Correspondent – Editor Ryan Broege contributed to this report. Better Brodhead sponsored a Narcan training session last Monday at the Brodhead Memorial Public Library. The session was free to the public, and discussed signs of overdose, how to respond in an overdose situation, and specifically how to […]


Pinnacle working with county on water issues; lawsuit against town board remains open

By Ryan Broege, Editor – As of Monday morning, Pinnacle Land Holding LLC’s lawsuit against the Sylvester town board remained open, according to the Wisconsin Court Access database. The file shows the next court date as a trial date in Lafayette County set for Wednesday, Nov. 22 at 9 a.m. […]


Kubly’s Automotive sponsoring 4th annual ‘Wheels to Prosper’ Deadline for nominations Friday

Kubly’s Automotive sponsoring 4th annual ‘Wheels to Prosper’ Deadline for nominations Friday

The Fourth Annual “Wheels to Prosper” Car Give-A-Way, sponsored by Kubly’s Automotive of Brodhead, is underway. As like the last three years, a car will be given away during Brodhead’s Fire and Ice Festival on Friday, Dec. 1 at 6 p.m. Pick up this week’s print edition for full story….


Museum renovations underway, due for completion by Memorial Day

Museum renovations underway, due for completion by Memorial Day

By Ryan Broege, Editor – Work has officially started on the expansion to the Brodhead Historical Museum. The undertaking got underway with a groundbreaking ceremony last Wednesday morning. Eight shovels with heads dyed gold dug into a pile of dirt, set against construction equipment and piles of dirt and stone […]


Leopold facing 8 years in Dane Co.; Green Co. charges pending tox. report

Leopold facing 8 years in Dane Co.; Green Co. charges pending tox. report

By Ryan Broege, Editor – Charges against Nathan L. Leopold in the Oct. 20 fatal crash on Highway 11 are forthcoming pending the results of a toxicology report, said Sue Leistikow, secretary to Green County District Attorney Craig Nolen. Charges cannot be filed until those results are finalized, she said […]


Raupp finalist for Orfordville Chief

Raupp finalist for Orfordville Chief

By Ryan Broege, Editor – Brodhead Police Deputy Chief Brian Raupp could be parting ways with the department to take a position as Chief of Police in the Village of Orfordville. According to an email sent last week by Orfordville interim Police Chief Don Bomkamp, the Orfordville Police Committee selected […]