This year’s recipient of the 2016-2017 Outstanding Graduate Student of the Year is Brooke Lederman, a special education teacher at Brodhead Middle School. Each spring, faculty members of the Department of Special Education at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater elect an outstanding graduate student of the year. Pick up this week’s […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – John and Jaine Winters contributed to this reporting. The Sugar River will be an even more enticing, and safer, destination for canoe and kayak enthusiasts, thanks to an effort spearheaded by the Decatur Lake Mill Race Association. The signs will be placed beside boat landings, […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – Welcome or otherwise, a new season is in effect in Brodhead, and will not be going anywhere until April. It has nothing to do with the temperature, either – it is mayoral campaign season. Tim Stocks announced his candidacy for Mayor on Oct. 16, and […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – The Green County Land and Water Conservation Committee went into closed session at their meeting last Thursday to discuss litigation that the committee is, or is very likely to become involved with. The potential lawsuit involves Pinnacle Dairy, who is allegedly in violation of stipulations […]
The community calendar on page 2 of the November 1 issue of the Independent-Register incorrectly listed the date of the Senior/Community Center Open House as Saturday, November 4. The Open House is actually November 5, 11-4 pm.
By Becky Malkow, Correspondent/Photographer – Several members of the 8th grade class, along with four teachers and many other parent chaperones headed to Washington D.C. this past week for a tour of our Nation’s capitol. The group’s trek took them to the Pentagon, White House, Capitol building, National Archives, Library […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – The city entered into negotiations last Wednesday morning with the Wisconsin Professional Police Association to negotiate a new labor contract with the Brodhead officers’ union. Alderwoman Deb Fox, one of the city’s negotiators along with Dave Newcomer, said she anticipates good-faith, relatively painless negotiations between […]
By Ryan Broege, Editor – A church as old as the community of Brodhead itself may get new life as a bed and breakfast. Brodhead native Casey Jones, now a resident of Phoenix, Ariz., bought the former Brodhead Congregational United Church of Christ, located at 905 10th St., in April […]
The Brodhead Fire District will be conducting a live fire training burn at 3371 W. 3rd Ave., Saturday, Nov. 4, 2017. If weather does not permit, burn will be Saturday, Nov. 11, 2017. The training will begin at approximately 7 a.m. and continue through the day and evening. Training sessions […]
Do you want to play Santa Claus this Christmas? Now is the time to do just that. The Mitten Tree project was founded several years ago by Optimist Club member Susan Welch, and continues to this day. Pick up this week’s print edition for full story….