By Ryan Broege, Correspondent – On a breezy, sun-splashed day at Larsen Field, after Josie Picard sang the final notes of the “National Anthem,” the atmosphere almost felt like that of an unseasonably warm track meet. Then Tami Jacobson, the 2017 Green County Relay for Life Honorary Survivor, held the […]
The Brodhead Leo Club recently celebrated their year of service to the Brodhead community. Leo members and their families were invited to a potluck as the Brodhead Lions Club members grilled burgers and pork chops. Leo president Morgan Tresemer and vice president Zoe Tresemer shared a PowerPoint with all of […]
Several Decades of a Family Farm A presentation titled “Seven Decades of a Family Farm” will be given at the Brodhead Historical Society monthly meeting on Monday, June 26, at 7 p.m. at the Bank of Brodhead. The public is welcomed to attend. Daniel Smith grew up, and later farmed […]
The Brodhead Garden Club’s Garden of the Month of June has been awarded to Wayne Scheider, 208 14th Street. He has lived there for 21 years. Pick up this week’s print edition for full story and more photos….
By Lenny Lueck, Superintendent – Continue to implement the five-year Strategic Plan Building and grounds The update of the elementary school kitchen began with a new oven, and new serving line counter and repairing the large cooler. By June 30, the west playground will have a new basketball court and […]
By Ryan Broege, Correspondent – A sign out front along First Center Avenue and shimmering purple streamers hanging above the entrance announced a fundraiser for Team Cardinal on June 13 at Little Maya. Restaurant owner Oscar Vigil donated a portion of sales to Team Cardinal. Janet Cook, Team Cardinal leader, […]
By Derek Hoesly, Correspondent – The prestigious Risum Memorial Scholarship was awarded to three area wrestlers recently. The recipients included Brodhead Cardinal wrestlers Blake Burns and Noah Steinmann. Orfordville Viking Byron Brown was also received the scholarship. Ron Risum created the Brodhead youth wrestling club in the 1980s. Ron’s sons, […]
By Siara Schwartzlow, Editor – Five Brodhead FFA members held an open rehearsal last week for a state speaking competition, an “ag issues forum.” The goal of the forum is to address an issue pertinent to agriculture while strictly adhering to facts and avoiding any bias. This group chose to […]
The Brodhead Fire District conducted a live fire training burn at 3371 West 3rd Avenue on Saturday, June 3. Onlookers noted how quickly the barn was destroyed. Pick up this week’s print edition for more photos….
By Ryan Broege, Correspondent Saif Murtahda started to see so many customers make the drive from Brodhead and beyond to his tobacco store in Monroe, Roll-a-Smoke, that he figured there was a niche to fill in eastern Green County. He obtained a storefront on a main thoroughfare, hung some cigarette […]