The Brodhead Police Association is hosting the K9 Dog Bowl nine-pin bowling tournament on Saturday, April 22. There will be two different times available. Family bowling will take place starting at 9a.m.until 1 p.m. The cost for a family is $35 for one to two adults and up to two […]
On Monday, April 3, members of the sixth-grade band at Brodhead Middle School hosted a recital. This evening was filled with fun individual or small group performances. Pick up this week’s print edition for the full story and more photos…..
By Ryan Broege, Correspondent – Approximately 150 supporters gathered for the fourth annual gala supporting the Pearl Island Recreational Corridor April 1 at the old Brodhead Fitness Center. The Brodhead Area Foundation sponsored the event, and local businesses showered the event with donations auctioned off and given as prizes at […]
Better Brodhead would like to remind you of the importance of cleaning out your medicine cabinet this spring. Medications that sit around for too long expire and can also get into the hands of a child, teenager, or another adult who could misuse the medication. Nationally, one out of every […]
The Brodhead Community Gardens season is beginning. Those who have rented garden plots in the past are invited to our first meeting on Saturday, April 8, at 9 a.m. at the Congregational United Church of Christ. Please note that this meeting is for gardeners who rented plots last year. We […]
By Siara Schwartzlow, Editor – At its regular meeting last week, the school board heard a presentation on Educlimber from school psychologist Deanne Larson. Educlimber is software that serves as a database for student test scores, behavior interventions, and even attendance. “After we do our fall, winter, and spring testing, […]
By Ryan Broege, Correspondent – Six months removed from a controversial simulation where students were told of the fictional deaths of their classmates in accidents caused by distracted driving, school officials elected for a softer tone at a presentation held March 30. The school teamed with telecommunications conglomerate AT&T, motor […]
“The fact that children can make beautiful music is less significant than the fact that music can make beautiful children” – Cheryl Lavender. This is my favorite quote about music education. My name is Suzanne Calhoon, and I am the K-5 music teacher at Albrecht Elementary School. This is my […]
Students are looking forward to Spring Break, and so is one Brodhead school bus driver. Clint Bailey will be beginning his second retirement and will hang up his bus keys on Friday April 7. Bailey began driving a school bus following his retirement from the Brodhead School District as a […]
By Dan Moeller, Correspondent – The dormant status of the separate Friends of the Library organization was discussed at the Brodhead library board’s meeting last week. Library director Angela Noel reported the library received an unsolicited mailing from an attorney saying the group has lost its tax exemption status from […]