
Students gain insight through Multi-Cultural Day

Students gain insight through Multi-Cultural Day

BRODHEAD — On Friday, April 29, seventh-grade students at Brodhead Middle School were able to “visit” twelve foreign countries and learn about Native Americans of Canada. Students learned through presentations from those who have traveled the world. Students were encouraged to “dress their best,” and they did not disappoint. Along […]


Thought-provoking plans presented at DLMRA annual meeting

Thought-provoking plans presented at DLMRA annual meeting

By Michele Benesh, Correspondent BRODHEAD – Thirty-nine members and friends of the Decatur Lake and Mill Race Association (DLMRA) convened at the Bank of Brodhead on Saturday, April 30th for an annual meeting. Attendees enjoyed several presentations of high interest, including an extensive presentation from four engineering students from UW-Platteville […]


Tour the Farms version 2.0 a success

Tour the Farms version 2.0 a success

  By Michele Benesh, Correspondent BRODHEAD — On Sunday, May 1, Scotch Hill Farm was the scene of a revised version of the Brodhead Chamber’s long-standing “Tour the Farms” event. The Wisconsin Farmer’s Union’s new South Central Chapter sponsored the event, hosted by Tony and Dela Ends. The Solar May […]


Brodhead High celebrates Cinco de Mayo through dance

Brodhead High celebrates Cinco de Mayo through dance

By Melody Pope, Correspondent BRODHEAD – In honor of Cinco de Mayo, May 5, Karen Bueno and Magali Jimenez, Brodhead high school students, perform “Jarabe Tapatio” for the Spanish 2 class. “Jarabe Tapatio” is also referred to as the “Mexican Hat Dance.” Historically, it was performed by a pair of […]


Police to hold spaghetti supper

Police to hold spaghetti supper

BRODHEAD — The Brodhead Police Association is hosting a Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, June 18 at the Brodhead High School from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Many silent auction items will be available to bid on.   All proceeds from this event will benefit Badger Honor Flight.  Pick up this week’s […]


Chamber Challenge raises nearly $3,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters

Chamber Challenge raises nearly $3,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters

BRODHEAD — On Monday, April 25, the first annual “Chamber Challenge” hosted by Jeremy Pinnow& Associates raised a grand total of $2,985.25 in donations to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Green County Bowl for Kids’ Sake. The Bank of Brodhead, with its donation of $1,060.25, won the challenge, taking […]


Advocates, bill authors celebrate signing of child sex trafficking bill

Advocates, bill authors celebrate signing of child sex trafficking bill

  MADISON Ð A ceremonial bill signing for 2015 Act 367 authored by Representative Amy Loudenbeck (R-Clinton), Representative Jill Billings (D-La Crosse), Representative LaTonya Johnson (D-Milwaukee), and Senator Sheila Harsdorf (R-River Falls) was held recently in the office of Governor Scott Walker.   The new law strengthens the response of […]


Clinton High School juniors,seniors get a ‘reality check’

Clinton High School juniors,seniors get a ‘reality check’

CLINTON – Clinton High School junior and senior students took part in a Reality Check sponsored by the career, and technical education departments in Clinton High School. The event, spearheaded by business education teachers Mrs. Laura Benisch and Mrs. Elisa Shoemaker, is a life experience simulation. Students were able to […]


Artful Evening and wine tasting scheduled for May 19

BRODHEAD — The Brodhead Jaycees are hosting an Artful Evening and Wine Tasting on Thursday, May 19 at FIBS North at 6:30 pm.   Guests will paint a masterpiece on canvas and enjoy a wine tasting by Hawks Mill Winery.  Pick up this week’s print edition for full story…..


School board seeks finance committee volunteer

BRODHEAD — The Brodhead School Board is seeking a community volunteer to serve on its finance committee.  The finance committee is a standing committee of the board. It provides guidance and oversight to budgeting procedures. Committee membership currently includes three board members, the Superintendent of schools, the District Comptroller and […]