Independent Register

6/20/18 Brodhead Shopper

6/20/18 Brodhead Shopper

[fourcol_one] [ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] [/fourcol_one] [fourcol_three_last] Click on the Download button to access a digital copy of the Shopper or click below to view in browser. [/fourcol_three_last]


6/13/18 Brodhead Shopper

6/13/18 Brodhead Shopper

[fourcol_one] [ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] [/fourcol_one] [fourcol_three_last] Click on the Download button to access a digital copy of the Shopper or click below to view in browser. [/fourcol_three_last]


DNR seeks citizen help with local turtle crossings

DNR seeks citizen help with local turtle crossings

Since the project began in 2012, more than 1,300 citizens have reported nearly 3,000 turtle sightings throughout Wisconsin and have identified more than 1,300 turtle road crossing hotspots.


Hotel study gets first public viewing next Monday

Hotel study gets first public viewing next Monday

The detailed market and community analysis of potential for building and operating a hotel in Brodhead will debut for the public with a presentation from its principle architect.


6/6/18 Brodhead Shopper

6/6/18 Brodhead Shopper

[fourcol_one] [ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] [/fourcol_one] [fourcol_three_last] Click on the Download button to access a digital copy of the Shopper or click below to view in browser. [/fourcol_three_last]


City police pursuit of new K-9 unit on steady trail to reality

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Independent-Register
Brodhead Police Chief Chris Hughes receives a check this past
week from fund-raising and donations to pay for a new K9 squad car.
Making the presentation is President of the local Police Association
(and dispatcher) Mary Wells.

Brodhead Police Association President Mary Wells rpresented a check to Police Chief Chris Hughes helping secure the funds needed to make the K9 unit in Brodhead a reality.


City Council approves Citizen appointments to committees

City Council approves Citizen appointments to committees

City Council members approved 2018-2019 ap-pointments to city commit-tees in their regular meeting last week.


Decatur Lake sedimentation strikes some as not ‘same-old, same-old’

RYAN BROEGE PHOTO The Independent-Register
Mike and Jennifer Krause say sedimentation is claiming more and more of Decatur Lake, and they worry for its future.

Mike and Jennifer Krause say sedimentation is claiming more and more of Decatur Lake, and they worry for its future.


Apfelbaum lays out plans for golf course purchase

Apfelbaum lays out plans for golf course purchase

Steve Apfelbaum is President and CEO of Applied Ecological Services, and also heads the Southern Wisconsin Land Conservancy, a group that recently purchased the “Front 9” at Decatur Lake Golf Course.


Takin’ care of business

Takin' care of business

The Youth Americans 4-H Club picked up trash along the highway at their May meeting, and completed their section of the highway in about a half hour. The club then conducted regular meeting business over pizza at Pizza Hut.