As a substance that most adults can easily obtain from their neighborhood store, or order off the menu at a favorite restaurant, the hard facts about alcohol use and abuse are frequently overlooked. Statistics about alcohol abuse can be quite alarming, however. Placing a spotlight on the damaging effects of […]
By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER Robert Jensen passed away in early 2014 but his memory lives on through a The Bear and the Owl. The film’s name was inspired by a little girl’s love of bears and Robert Jensen’s love of owls. The screenings are going to be featured: Friday, […]
Shoppers will converge on northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin for the 4th Annual Vintage Shop Hop on Friday and Saturday, March 3 & 4, 2017. Over 300 locally owned vintage shops, antique malls, boutiques, occasional and pop-up shops, barn sales and res-taurants in two states are rolling out the red […]
There is a dangerous epidemic in Rock County, and it is even in our community. Awareness of the dangers of drug abuse is important to everyone living in our response area. It will take an entire community to keep it from devastating our residents. Those residents are grandpas and grandmas, […]
History in Focus: Sharing Stories. Supporting Community isn’t just an annual theme for the Rock County Historical Society (RCHS) in 2017, as was proven last night at its annual kick-off event held at the Helen Jeffris Wood Museum Center. Its goal is to capture hundreds of stories throughout the year […]
South Central WI AHEC and SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital-Janesville hosted a series of Health Careers Exploration Day events in Janesville throughout November and December 2016. The event provided many opportunities for 54 rural high school students to gain a better understanding of a career in health care in their […]
By Chief John Rindfleish CLINTON FIRE DEPT. A silent killer could be in your home right now unless you have a working carbon monoxide (CO) detector. Where does carbon monoxide come from? CO can be produced by the combustion that occurs from fossil fuel burning appliances like a furnace, clothes […]
By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER The Clinton Community District School Board met at the Clinton High School on Monday, Jan. 9, 6:30 p.m. Board Members present were: Gary Gilbank, Jill Gunderson, Ken Luety, Evelyn Propp, and Tom Howard. Melissa Manthei was ab-sent. Melissa Manthei was appointed Board Clerk. Dustin Esselman’s […]
By Scott Cernek, HARVEST HILLS CHURCH Two years ago we had an opportunity to host an exchange student from Australia. At the time we had no idea what a joy this would be. This is how it came to be. A good friend of ours was scheduled to host this […]
By Chief John Rindfleish, Clinton FD Last week we talked about the common cold or rhinovirus and how it has made its way into the area. Well, there has also been a rash of influenza in town and here is a few ways to help you if you’re infected. Flu […]