
Fire Chief Talks New Year’s, Workplace Safety

The end of 2016 will come this weekend, are you ready to move into 2017? How many remember Y2K or even further back in the years? Time moves on and we must go with the flow. Make sure the transmission into 2017 is a safe one. While staying safe on […]


Janesville Police Officers Read to YWCA Children as Part of ‘Fight Crime: Invest in Kids’ Program

Janesville Police Chief Dave Moore, Officer Denise Stutika, Officer Shane Punzel, Sergeant Aaron Ellis and Officer Laurie Valley came to read to the P4J students at the YWCA Rock County in Janesville on Monday, Dec. 19. The Janesville Police Department believes “that high-quality early education helps our children get a […]


Two Dead from Traffic Accident in Janesville Township

On Dec. 19, at approximately 3:26 p.m., Rock County Deputies in conjunction with Janesville Fire/EMS, and City of Janesville Officers responded to a two-vehicle accident on U.S. Hwy. 14 by N. River Road in Janesville Township. Initial reports indicated that the accident was a head on collision with two patients […]


The Scott Duhr Memorial Open Gives Back

The members of the Scott Duhr Memorial Open braved the cold with kids in tow, to Farm and Fleet to shop for Rock County Toys for Tots. This is the second year that funds raised from the June Golf Open were donated to Toys for Tots. Carts were filled to […]


A Warm Barn on Christmas Eve

There really isn’t anything quite as nice as a barn full of contented dairy cows in the winter time when it is snowy and cold outside. One of the most pleasing experiences on the dairy farm growing up was to see the cows lying down in their stanchions at the […]


New Year – New Beginnings

By Scott Cernek, HARVEST HILLS CHURCH  What does the new year mean to you? First of all, it usually means that it’s time for the NFL playoffs. This year I am still on a high from the Cubs winning the World Series so I haven’t really gotten into the NFL […]


Take Care to Prevent Snow Removal Injuries

Last weekend Mother Nature showed us that she is still in charge. The predictions of a sizeable snowfall came true and everyone had to shovel, use a snow blower or plow their way out before work on Monday. Let’s go over some tips from EHS to make sure we do […]


Wisconsin FFA Foundation Awards $28,950 in SAE Grants

37 FFA members receive gifts from generous sponsors this holiday season.  A total of 37 Wisconsin FFA members from 27 different chapters have been awarded $28,950 in Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) grants from the Wisconsin FFA Foundation. The Wisconsin FFA Foundation awarded the 2016-17 SAE grants in five categories: aquaculture, […]


Vehicle Pursuit Leads to OWI Second Arrest

On Dec. 31 at approximately 11:02 p.m., Rock County Sheriff’s Office Deputies initiated a vehicle pursuit with an erratic driver of a pick-up truck on S. USH 51 by Inman Pkwy. in the town of Beloit. The pick-up truck was involved in a brief pursuit with the town of Beloit […]


Janesville Man Wins $50,000 in Illinois Lottery

Janesville Man Wins $50,000 in Illinois Lottery

A visit to South Beloit resulted in a $50,000 Illinois Lottery win for Janesville, Wis., resident John Iverson. “Whenever I am in Illinois, I buy a Lotto ticket,” he said. “On this particular trip I bought a Powerball ticket too, and I won!” he said when he recently presented his […]