
Fire Chief Talks Turkey Safety over Holidays

It’s that time of year when we all think about heading out to the relatives for Thanksgiving dinner. Grandma, Mom, or you may have been planning this meal for some time now. You have purchased all the food and the refrigerator is packed full. Hopefully you have everything planned and […]


Clinton Kitchen Pie Brings in $300 at Kiwanis Radio Auction

Clinton Kitchen Pie Brings in $300 at Kiwanis Radio Auction

By Mary Ann Inman, REPORTER  It`s true! An anonymous donor paid $300 for a single pie from the Clinton Kitchen. The hometown restaurant has established a long time reputation for its pies. Rave reviews have been passed on by word of mouth since the owner Connie Farrell started working there […]


Be Prepared for Driving in Winter Weather

Well however the election went on Tuesday, I’m glad to see the TV ads have changed to Christmas. Okay, I’m not excited to see Christmas ads but this is a reminder that winter is coming and even though the weather outside has been much nicer than we have seen in […]


Football and Pancakes

It was pretty amazing last Friday night to see how many people from Clinton made the trek over to Slinger for the State Semi-Final Division Five Playoff Game. It was a beautiful, cool, crisp night and the venue was just exceptional. Complete with field turf and exceptional lighting, the Slinger […]


Clinton Fire Chief Shares Hunting Safety Information

 Have you seen the 30-pointer? That song will stick in your head for a long time, especially if you live up north. It is playing on every channel in Wisconsin this weekend so you will get used to the words. This weekend is the opening of the deer gun season […]


Garden Club to Host Build Your Own Bee Hotel

By Mary Ann Inman, REPORTER Join the Clinton Garden Club sponsored program at Clinton Public Library on Saturday, Nov. 12, from 10 to 11 a.m. Design and build your own bee hotel. How to information and supplies will be provided by Cinder Roherty, author of “Bee-ing Lily.” The program is […]


Please Support Kiwanis Radio Auction on Nov 12

Please Support Kiwanis Radio Auction on Nov 12

By Mary Ann Inman, REPORTER  Clinton Kiwanis Club’s Radio Auction will be held on Saturday. Call 608-282-4850 from 8 a.m. to noon to bid on a variety of donated items. You also can attend the live auction in person at Town Bank. Kiwanis President Jill Gunderson said, “I’d like to […]


Playoff Football

The year was 1983 and I was a Junior in college when my former high school football Coach asked me if I would come on staff at my alma mater and help him Coach the Varsity team. Football had been such a big part of my life as a high […]


Time to Get Ready for Winter Safety

Although we haven’t seen any good “frost on the pumpkin” yet, it has been getting cold at night. Now that we are in the month of November the inevitable will happen soon and we will see our first cold spell. This will bring that physical warning that you are either […]


Clinton School’s Operational Referendum to be Voted on Nov. 8

Clinton School’s Operational Referendum to be Voted on Nov. 8

The last of over 20 presentations related to the District’s Nov. 8 Operational Referendum ballot question took place on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at Clinton Elementary School. After months of Board study and input from the District’s Community Financial Advisory Community, the Board of Education authorized a resolution to exceed the […]