Rock County Board Chair Russ Podzilni announced that nominations are still being received for the Rock County Hall of Honor. In 1982 Rock County opened and dedicated the new James L. Wells Cultural Center at the University of Wisconsin – Rock County. At that time a Rock County Hall of […]
With the warm weather, there have been many more bicycles on all the roadways. Make sure you know about bicycling safety before you or your kids hit the streets. The first thing is to get your bike in good working order. This alone will dramatically increase your safety on the […]
By Scott Cernek HARVEST HILLS CHURCH It is spring again and that means warmer temperatures, green grass, chirping birds, tractors in the fields, rainy days, cattle turned out on pasture, baseball games, baby kittens, and another school year winding down. I could write an article on each of these different […]
The Clinton Community School District recently named Laura Benisch the Employee of the Month. Laura Benisch has been a Business Education teacher at Clinton Community School District since 2011. During that time she has helped maintain and expand a quality business education department by adding a series of marketing courses […]
On Wednesday, 35 Clinton High School (CHS) Accounting, Business, and Marketing students traveled to Milwaukee to learn about careers in Accounting and Finance. The field trip was funded by a grant through the Wisconsin Certified Public Accountants and included tours at Palermo Pizza, Miller Park, and the Harley Davidson Museum. […]
By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER Kaitalyn Perez’s teacher, Mrs. Fleming, researched and realized March 21 is designated as World Down Syndrome Awareness Day. The number 21 is significant because Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21. According to the National Down […]
By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER Are you smarter than a fourth grader? They listened, learned, and left knowing more about cranberry harvesting, nutrition, and writing books. Author Lisl Detlefsen showed the students a letter she wrote when she was in 4th grade to her teacher that said she wanted to […]
By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER Village President, Connie Tracy called the meeting to order on Tuesday, March 21, at 7 p.m. Board Trustees present were: Ron Torkilson, Sonja Capes, Art Bushue, Jeanette Troha, and Administrator/Police Chief Dave Hooker. Dina Knibbs and Dennis Nielson were absent. Village Engineer Tim Kienbaum, Treasurer […]
Although we had a pretty good snowfall last week the area had experienced an early Spring Wildland Fire Season. Rock County was in a moderate fire danger as listed by the Wisconsin DNR. As you travel around the state you will see Smokey Bear signs displaying the daily fire danger […]
By Scott Cernek HARVEST HILLS CHURCH Whenever I drive by an old farm where the barns are now sitting empty, I can’t help but imagine that not so many years ago that particular place was undoubtedly alive with a family of people and the sounds many different kinds of farm […]