The Clinton Topper

11/2/17 Clinton Classifieds

11/2/17 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


10/26/17 Clinton Classifieds

10/26/17 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


10/19/17 Clinton Classifieds

10/19/17 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


10/12/17 Clinton Classifieds

10/12/17 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


Rock County Sheriff’s Dept. to host Gutter Busters

Sheriff Spoden is pleased to announce, the Rock County Sheriff’s Office will be again offering Gutter Busters, starting in November 2017. Gutter Busters is a community based program offered by the Cops and Kids founda-tion to help steer youth away from crime. The primary goal of the Gutter Busters bowling […]


Clinton celebrating Wisconsin School Board Week

Clinton celebrating Wisconsin School Board Week

The Wisconsin Association of School Boards has set Oct. 1-7, 2017 as Wisconsin School Board Week as a time to build awareness and understanding of the vital function an elected board of education plays in our communi-ties. Clinton Community School District is joining all public school districts across the state […]


10/5/17 Clinton Classifieds

10/5/17 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


9/28/17 Clinton Classifieds

9/28/17 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


9/21/17 Clinton Classifieds

9/21/17 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


9/14/17 Clinton Classifieds

9/14/17 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.