“Have you ever been shocked by an electric fence,” the doctor asked? “I sure have, Doc, and it was never all that pleasant,” I said. “Well this will feel like I’m touching you with an electric fence wire, so get ready.” “You’re kidding, right Doc?” I said in return, but […]
Once again the Cougars would start out scoring early. The Cougars led at the half by a score of 32-6. The Cougars solid play all aspects of the ball would prove to be too much for East Troy. With keeping East Troy’s offense on the sideline, that would allow the Cougar offense rack up over 600 yards. The […]
It’s week three of the National Preparedness Month and the week started out with an anniversary of one of the most tragic events in United States history. Fifteen years ago, the events of 9/11 brought back to the forefront our need to always be prepared for the worse. In the […]
BBQ lovers, local cooks, chefs and backyard aficionados are hustling to be a part of a premier food event to support Beloit Regional Hospice and the Beloit Domestic Violence Survivor Center on Sunday, Sept. 18 at The Rock on the River, 101 Maple Avenue, Beloit. Beloit Ribfest 2016, sponsored […]
Clinton Community School District announces that there will be four upcoming open house meetings on the proposed operational referendum question that will appear on the Nov. 8, 2016 ballot. The meetings are scheduled for: Wednesday, Sept. 21, 6:30 p.m., Clinton High School Friday, Sept. 23, 5 p.m., Clinton Middle School […]
The Friends of Carver-Roehl Park are making plans to hold their 14th annual “Fall Fest/Fun Fest” on Sunday, Oct. 2, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Carver-Roehl County Park, 4907 South Carvers Rock Road, Clinton, Wis. The main event this year is a K9 dog demonstration presented by the […]
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“Have you ever been shocked by an electric fence,” the Doctor asked? “I sure have, Doc, and it was never all that pleasant,” I said. “Well this will feel like I’m touching you with an electric fence wire, so get ready.” “You’re kidding, right Doc?” I said in return, but […]
BBQ lovers, local cooks, chefs and backyard aficionados are hustling to be a part of a premier food event to support Beloit Regional Hospice and the Beloit Domestic Violence Survivor Center on Sun., Sept. 18 at The Rock on the River, 101 Maple Avenue in Beloit. Beloit Ribfest 2016, sponsored […]
Clinton Community School District announces that there will be four upcoming open house meetings on the proposed operational referendum question that will appear on the Nov. 8 ballot. The meetings are scheduled for: Wed., Sept. 21, 6:30 p.m., Clinton High School; Fri., Sept. 23, 5 p.m., Clinton Middle School; Tues., […]