The Clinton Topper

Friends of Carver-Roehl Park to Host Fall Fest/Fun Fest

Friends of Carver-Roehl Park to Host Fall Fest/Fun Fest

The Friends of Carver-Roehl Park are making plans to hold their Fourteenth Annual “Fall Fest/Fun Fest” on Sun., Oct. 2, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Carver-Roehl County Park, 4907 South Carvers Rock Road, Clinton, Wis.  The main event this year is a K9 dog demonstration presented by the […]


9/8/16 Clinton Classifieds

9/8/16 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


Police announce Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement

Police announce Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement

The Rock County Sheriff’s Office has joined law enforcement agencies from around the state in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign that is targeting drunk driving.  Additional officers will be deployed between now and the Labor Day holiday with a particular emphasis on the weekends. Previous enforcement and […]


Clinton Public Library challenges preschool readers

Clinton Public Library challenges preschool readers

By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER Clinton Public Library Director Mary Bieber’s said, “The challenge is a family project for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers promoted by Arrowhead Library System at Rock County Libraries in Clinton, Orfordville, Edgerton, Evansville, Milton, Beloit and Janesville. The exciting part is that reading books from any […]


YMCA raises $500,000 for new gymnasium

YMCA raises $500,000 for new gymnasium

On Aug. 19 the Parker YMCA celebrated the dedication of the gymnasium at the Parker YMCA with Becca Schultz and Anna Kalkofen representing the Parker Charitable Trust along with over 40 individuals and organizations. The ceremony was a campaign celebration and in honor of Patricia Jeffris Parker where by the gymnasium was officially dedicated and […]


The hay wagon that tipped over

The hay wagon that tipped over

So the expansion began and instead of only farming the acreage we owned on the home farm, we began to take our equipment down the road a few miles to plant corn, and make hay on the surrounding farms. We had an old international Scout pickup truck that we used […]


Be prepared for emergency situations

Be prepared for emergency situations

September is National Preparedness Month. I talked about this last year, but because I feel this information is so important,we will do a little refreshing. The Wisconsin Emergency Management’s Ready Wisconsin campaign says, now is the perfect time to talk to everyone about getting ready for an emergency or disaster. […]


9/1/16 Clinton Classifieds

9/1/16 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


8/25/16 Clinton Classifieds

8/25/16 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


Community gardens come to fruition at Emmanuel Reformed Church

Community gardens come to fruition at Emmanuel Reformed Church

Emmanuel Reformed Church built five community gardens and offered them to our community this summer. All five have been spoken for and are being worked. They are 4′ by 20′ and built with used bridge guard rails. This is one project to help us as a church fulfill our mission […]