The Clinton Topper

CHS junior develops own academic seminar in fire safety

CHS junior develops own academic seminar in fire safety

Jordan Gustafson, a student at Clinton High School who just completed his junior year, designed and developed his own Academic Seminar (Independent Study) project surrounding building materials and fire safety. Jordan was interested in trying to learn which materials are most fire resistant and would provide the greatest amount of […]


Snudden Farms hosted Farm Tech Days, near Zenda

Snudden Farms hosted Farm Tech Days, near Zenda

By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER Steve Snudden, operator of Snudden Farms, near Zenda (southwest Lake Geneva), hosted Wisconsin Farm Technology Days on July 19 through July 21. The farm has been family owned since 1925, when Steve’s grandfather, Harvey Snudden purchased it. Steve’s parents took ownership in the early 1960s. […]


7/21/16 Clinton Classifieds

7/21/16 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


Exchange student Sina Driller following in parents footsteps

Exchange student Sina Driller following in parents footsteps

Sina Driller is an exchange student from Hanover, Germany who attended Clinton High School this past year. She stayed with the Scott and Cathy Cernek family. Sina traveled through the services of the American Institute for Foreign Studies (AIFA). She became interested in the program because her mother works for […]


Gustave W. “Jack” Boerner, 91

Gustave W. “Jack” Boerner, 91

  Gustave W. “Jack” Boerner 91, was reunited on Thursday July 14, 2016 with the love of his life, Ruth, his wife of almost 59 years who passed away just six weeks ago. Gus was born Sept. 9, 1924 in Wausau, Wis., to the late Gustav and Elizabeth (Fliss) Boerner. […]


This Old House

  I drove back to the old homestead in northern Indiana a couple years ago just to walk around and try to experience some of my childhood memories.It was great to drive down those familiar roads, past old neighbors and familiar landmarks. From the time I was three years old […]


Edwards family will participate in Garden Walk, July 23

Edwards family will participate in Garden Walk, July 23

By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER Christine Edwards is a busy mom but likes to find time to enjoy activities with her children. She works as a real estate agent with WIHBN Realty in Madison/Middleton area. Her daughters attend Clinton Schools. Riley, will be in 5th grade and Ellie will start […]


Summer time is the time to think about water safety

  When I was a kid one of the best summer time activities was getting a ride out to one of the bridges on Turtle Creek and being dropped off with the “jon boat.” This boat was 10 feet long, painted camouflage and made of aluminum. It had seats for […]


Committee welcomes entries, Annual Prairie Days Parade

Committee welcomes entries, Annual Prairie Days Parade

By Mary Ann Inman REPORTER Agnes Lee, Ann Pikolek, Bob Pikolek, and Eugene Johnson met with Tim Pogorelski to plan the 20th Annual Prairie Days Parade that will take place downtown at 1 p.m. on Aug. 20. The parade will feature horse drawn and antique equipment. If you go, watch […]


Emerald Ash Borer devastating Clinton’s ash trees

  By Art Bushue CLINTON FORESTRY BOARD Foresters’ 2016 ash tree inventory shows Clinton’s current Emerald Ash Borers (EAB) invasion has reduced our ash tree population to 189 from 272 ash trees originally present in 2009. And only 40 trees were found to be in “good” condition (probably chemically treated […]