The Clinton Topper

6/21/18 Clinton Classified

6/21/18 Clinton Classified

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


6/14/18 Clinton Classified

6/14/18 Clinton Classified

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


Their hearts grow bigger every day

Brandon, Hiedi and their son, Miles, of Clinton, have been chosen as
this year’s Kade’s Klassic benefit recipients. Miles, who is adopted,
was born with Tetralogy of Fallot, a combination of heart defects,
and has undergone numerous surgeries, the most recent of which
was last month in California. The Kade’s Klassic will be June 24 at
Evergreen Country Club in Elkhorn.

Brandon and Hiedi Kadlec opened their hearts when they decided to become adoptive parents and they opened them even further when they agreed to take in a baby with a rare heart condition.


6/7/18 Clinton Classified

6/7/18 Clinton Classified

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


Athletes to play at a collegiate level

Athletes to play at a collegiate level

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Clinton Topper Clinton’s Senior Athletes signed Letters of Intent to play at the collegiate level last week. Pictured here is Clayton Hahn, Jordan Hendricks, Kenny Ballmer, Brice Enright, Zach Krause, Clara Lund, Connor Mullooly and Jeff Spiwak.


WW II and Korean veterans return from Vets Roll journey of a lifetime

WW II and Korean veterans return from Vets Roll journey of a lifetime

Two hundred twenty veterans and Rosie the Riveters, and about 100 chaperones stepped off 10 Badger Motor Coach busses on Wednesday evening, May 23, 2018, ending an unforgettable…


5/17/18 Clinton Classifieds

5/17/18 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


5/10/18 Clinton Classifieds

5/10/18 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


5/3/18 Clinton Classifieds

5/3/18 Clinton Classifieds

[ilink style=”download”]Download[/ilink] Click the link above to access the the latest classifieds section Classified Ads The Clinton Topper is a weekly newspaper, published on Wednesdays. To submit your classified ad for the print version of The Clinton Topper, please call 815-877-4044.


Loudenbeck achieves ballot access for fall election

Loudenbeck achieves ballot access for fall election

The Wisconsin Elections Commission approved ballot status for the fall 2018 election for state Rep. Amy Loudenbeck (R-Clinton) after she submitted in excess of the required 200 nominating signatures and her Declaration of Candidacy form earlier this week.