Clinton Homestyle Car Show draws a crowd
Clinton Homestyle Car Show draws a crowd
Complied by Amy Cushing
The Clinton Homestyle Car Show on July 29, presented by Wrenchlife and Traffic Jams Speed Shop, drew a large crowd to view all the vintage cars that gathered for the day to show off their beautiful old-school rides and win some awards. There was also live music by “Brass on Fire” and “Sunshine”, great food, Pin-Up Girls Contest, swap meet, kids activities, and so much more. The Clinton Food Pantry and Exploit No More charity were the beneficiaries of the show’s proceeds. Find Traffic Jams online at or their Facebook page Traffic Jams Speed Shop. Or call 262-745-2863 and speak directly to owner Bob Yonkee.

Chad, Jessica and Madie O’Leary are seen here with a 1958 Chevy Biscayne (at right) and 1962 Pontiac Catalina Wagon. The Catalina won the award for Best Work in Progress.

Bob Yonkee, owner of Traffic Jams Speed Shop, and Jamie Pecoraro, Marketing Operations/General Manager of the Clinton store and dressed for the Pin-Up Girls Contest, proudly show off the raffle car, a 1929 Model A Speedster that custom built by the shop.

Jeff and Cathy Gray and their grandson Jackson Tormey stand by a 1949 Nash. This car won the show’s “Badassery” Award.

Mike Kahl bought the lucky winning raffle ticket for the 1929 Model A Speedster, but said the car will be for his wife, Rita. (Submitted photo)
All photos courtesy of Rockford Photo Club (Karl Mohr, Patty Van Stone, Don Van Stone, Jeff Carpenter) unless noted.