Clinton School’s Operational Referendum to be Voted on Nov. 8
The last of over 20 presentations related to the District’s Nov. 8 Operational Referendum ballot question took place on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at Clinton Elementary School. After months of Board study and input from the District’s Community Financial Advisory Community, the Board of Education authorized a resolution to exceed the District’s current revenue limit for recurring purposes and place the question on the Nov. 8 ballot. The Board’s action took place at the District’s regular business meeting on Monday, Aug. 15. Specifically, the District will be asking voters to consider a four year–step recurring referendum, $450,000 in year one, $900,000 in year two; $1,350,000 in year three and $1,800,000 in year four. The year four value of $1,800,000 would remain repeatedly. The additional revenue will be used to maintain reasonable class size, educational programming and supporting student access to instructional technology. The tax impact, mil rate value, of the Operational Referendum will be off-set by the District’s reducing debt service levy. The current mil rate of $12.24 is expected to decline to a projected $10.60 in 2020-2021, again due mostly to the declining high school debt service.
“The Board of Education and Community Financial Advisory Community intentionally chose an option which places the District in a secure financial position while not increasing the current tax burden,” commented Jim Brewer, District Administrator. “Clinton, like other Wisconsin school districts, has experienced limited revenue growth in an environment of rising costs. Most recently the District undertook measures to reduce operating expenses by nearly

SUBMITTED PHOTO – The Clinton Topper.
This chart illustrates the District’s levy and mil rate, including the proposed Operational Referendum. The overall tax burden declines over the next four years.
$1 million dollars. However, a referendum is needed in order to maintain the quality of education accustomed to by District residents and students.”
The district has detailed information on the proposed Referendum accessible via