Community starts conversation about facility needs

Front row seated: Library Board President Janet Haag, Library Foundation Co-Presidents Melanie Stevens and Mary Ann Inman, Library Director Mary Bieber, and Village of Clinton Board President Connie Tracy. 2nd row: Town of Sharon Chairman Rich Brandl, Clinton Community School District Board President Ken Luety, Town of Clinton Board President Dave Brandl, Clinton Community School District Administrator Jim Brewer, Library Foundation Director Ray Vance, and Clinton School District Board Member – Gary Gilbank. 3rd row: Clinton Community School District Business Manager Dan McCrea, Save our Farmland President Pat Mullooly, Clinton Chamber of Commerce President Tim Pogorelski, Village of Clinton City Administrator Dave Hooker, Town of Turtle Chairperson Roger Anclam, Town of LaPrairie Board Member Archie Morton Jr., and Clinton FFA Alumni President Josh Jones.
By Mary Ann Inman
On Monday, Feb. 15, community leaders met to share ideas about growth and development in the areas of education, economy, housing, business, and agricultural.
Those representing the School District included: Meeting Facilitator and Administrator Jim Brewer, Business Manager Dan McCrea, board members Ken Luety and Gary Gil-bank. Administrative As-sistant Laura Lynd served as recorder.
Village of Clinton parties included Administra-tor/Police Chief Dave Hooker and Village Board President Connie Tracy, Library Board President Janet Haag, Library Director Mary Bieber, and Chamber President Tim Pogorelski. Library Foundation Directors in attendance were: Mary Ann Inman, Melanie Stevens, and Ray Vance.
Township Board Chair-men present were as follows: Archie Morton Jr, (La Prairie), Rich Brandl (Sharon), Dave Brandl (Clinton), and Roger Anclam (Turtle). Agriculture reps included: FFA Alumni President Josh Jones and Save our Farmland Pres-ident Pat Mullooly.
Library Foundation Director Ray Vance stressed the need for a strategic plan based on the village
Pick up this week’s print edition for full story.