Former factory carries the weight of history Al Ringling of circus fame once worked at Brodhead landmark

JENNY SHARP The Independent-Register
The former L.C. Bartlett and Son Carriage and Wag-on factory is a landmark in downtown Brodhead. The building on West Third Avenue is included on the state and national historic registries.
By Katelyn Black, Correspondent
Brodhead is full of history, and the brick building standing tall on West Third Avenue is an important part of that story.
The L.C. Bartlett and Son Carriage and Wagon factory has been around in some capacity since the late 1800s.
According to Betty Earleywine, curator for the Brodhead Depot Museum and member of the historical society’s museum committee, the original building was constructed in 1869. Sometime after, a fire destroyed it and the structure currently standing on Third Avenue was rebuilt in 1881 and 1882.
Pick up the Sept. 23rd print edition for full story….