Ken Luety presents Employee of the Month Award to Laura Benisch

SUBMITTED PHOTO The Clinton Topper
Clinton teacher Laura Benisch accepts the Employee of the Month Award from School Board President Ken Luety.
The Clinton Community School District recently named Laura Benisch the Employee of the Month.
Laura Benisch has been a Business Education teacher at Clinton Community School District since 2011. During that time she has helped maintain and expand a quality business education department by adding a series of marketing courses and increasing student enrollment in business courses overall.
Laura has worked to ensure that the offerings are of high quality and directly related to viable career op-tions in the area. She is also an active member within the PBIS and ACP teams and staff value her opinion and insight. Laura’s organization and student connections are critical to the success of both these teams.
Not only has Laura improved the business education classroom experience at Clinton High School but she has also worked innumerable hours in bringing Reality Check to all juniors and seniors. In doing so, she has provided a wonderful opportunity for a school and community partnerships as well as a learning oppor-tunity for students.
Her willingness to spend extra time in creating relationships with employers and the Clinton Chamber of Commerce has been critical in both a strong Reality Check event but also our thriving Youth Apprentice-ship program.
With Laura’s focus on career development she has more than tripled our numbers of students working within the Youth Apprenticeship program. She maintains a top-notch program and works diligently with students, families and employers to match needs with qualifications and interests.
Clinton has been a critical part of the local consortium maintaining grant funding and
For complete story, pick up this week’s print edition.