Off to the Races

ERICA GOKEY PHOTOS The Independent-Register
Pictured above are some of the speediest scouts at the Pinewood Derby. (front row, left to right) Aidan Rossetti, Spencer Dunlavy; (Middle row, left to right) Jesse Benkert, Tyler Rackow, Cade Beckwith, Brant Riesterer; (Back row, from left to right) Lelin Doyle, Jayden Cowan, Matthew Nordeng, Blake Fernandes, Thomas Cullor, Jonah Cowan, and Zachary Woodford.
By Erica Gokey, Correspondent –
Cub Scout Pack 108 held their Pinewood Derby race at Albrecht Elementary School last Sunday.
The scouts had a chance on Saturday to test out their derby car and make any adjustments. The track for the Pinewood Derby Race takes about an hour to set up.
In 2016, Pack 108 purchased a computer software program that enabled racers to see how fast their car was racing. It also has the capability to run the brackets for the races.
There were about thirty participants in the race, which is an increase from 2017. The cars that placed first, second, and third place in each den received ribbons.
Pick up this week’s print edition for full story….