Orfordville business pieces together annual quilt event Sept. 11

FILE PHOTO The Independent-Register
The art of quilting takes center stage Saturday, Sept. 11, as The Sassy Farm Chicks Quilting Co. hosts its annual Airing of the Quilts in downtown Orfordville. Dozens of quilts, new and vintage, will be on display.
Colorful craftsmanship will be featured in downtown Orfordville on Saturday, Sept. 11, as the Sassy Farm Chicks Quilt Co. holds its annual Airing of the Quilts outdoor exhibition.
The show will begin at 10 a.m. and continue until dark at 203 W. Beloit St. and in nearby Purdy Park.
The day’s events will include:
• A presentation about quilt worth and history at 11 a.m.
• A presentation by the Orfordville Community Quilts of Gratitude sewers and a program and display by the Lanark Chapter of the Illinois Land of Lincoln Quilts of Valor at 1 p.m. (in the Purdy Park pavilion on Church Street)
Pick up the Sept. 1st print edition for full story….