By Trenten Scheidegger, Correspondent –

The Brodhead community lost a tremendous sports advocate, and even better man during the past week.  Tom Nipple has nearly impacted every single Brodhead citizen’s life in one way or another.  Tom was involved in the Brodhead sports community for perhaps longer than anyone else.  Baseball was his specialty.  Whether it was as a coach or as a fan in the crowd, Tom could never get enough Cardinal baseball.  As someone who had the privilege of playing under Tom as a head coach, I can say he was a tremendous coach but could always be described as being “bigger than the game”.  When it comes to Tom, you aren’t just talking about a coach, an umpire, or a fan.  You’re talking about a family man, a community supporter, a sharer of wisdom, and a joy to be around.  I can not remember a time that I was around Tom where he didn’t have a positive impact on the people around him.

Pick up the June 26th print edition for full story….