By Siara Schwartzlow, Editor –

At last week’s common council meeting, the council agreed that the city attorney should assist the Public Works department in rewriting and better enforcing the city’s portable sign ordinance.

According to Brodhead’s Rich Vogel, of the Public Works Department, there is a sign ordinance in place, but it requires some modifications. One of the changes involves the size of each portable sign. Vogel explained that the original ordinance limited sign size to 25 square feet, but the signs that Brodhead community groups use are often larger. “I measured one of our Pepsi banners that all of the groups use and realized that it’s almost 27 square feet, so all of those Pepsi banners would be illegal,” Vogel said. “I don’t think the churches would want to cut six inches off their banner, so we changed it to 27.”

Pick up this week’s print edition for full story….