Rock County 4-H Fair helps keep local food production more than a memory

TONY ENDS PHOTO The Independent-Register
Sisters Presleigh and Delaney Arnold, both active in Brodhead FFA, pose their Rock County 4-H Fair en-tries, a crossbred calf and a Nubian dairy goat whether, last week in Janesville.
Letting go of Rock County 4-H Fair, which the four children we raised in Spring Valley Township lived for each year, was a tough part of growing older.
Yet when press passes arrived at the newspaper office several weeks ago, I admit having mixed feelings.
I wanted to support the Fair Association, which runs the annual event and keeps it economically viable without any tax support. I wanted to promote 4-H and help engage the public in the lives of young people as they learn to care for livestock and raise food.
I felt sort of homesick, though, to see my children with their many projects and so much hard work of their hands. What would it be like now strolling through exhibit halls and fairgrounds in Janesville without our children and their livestock there?
Pick up the August 1st print edition for the full story….