School Board discussed budget, fair teacher compensation
By Mary Ann Inman
CLINTON – The Clinton Community District School Board met at the Clinton High School on Tuesday, June 2, 7 p.m. Board Members present were: Dustin Esselman, Gary Gilbank, Jill Gunderson, Tom Howard, Ken Luety, Craig Ostrander, and Evelyn Propp. Administrator Dr. Randy Refsland and Business Manager Jeffery Walker were present.
Seven educators and citizens were present. The Building Principals were attended and presented results on annual discipline action.
After the regular opening the board approved agenda corrections and minutes there were no public comments.
Then the resignation of Psychologist Jesses Stevenson, hires of CMS Special Education Dana Goodnow, CMS Art Teacher Leslie Leith, CHS Chemistry Teacher Jeffery Patterson, and transfers of Therese Duszynski to CHS Administrative Assistant and Emily Albrecht to Reading Specialist were approved.
Then Frank Crivello presented a few scenarios for partial reimbursement incentive for advanced placement testing fees. Principal Gile noted pre-tests during the year would help students decide if they should take the option test.
The general consensus of the board during the discussion was positive and they requested that a refined proposal be presented in August.
Principal Gile announced enrollment would need to be watched closely for CHS classes. A small class graduated and a large class will be coming in.
For example the average class size is 25 for Social Studies. Discussion regarding class size is that classes can number as high as 30 depending on the type of class (i.e., lab class needs less). Dr. Refsland said Clinton has no class size restriction policy.
Next the building Principals reported discipline incident numbers. No glaring differences were noted when compared with last year.
Discussion followed about after school detentions, which are limited after school to 15 minutes with many happening during school hours. The conversation questioned the value of detentions as deterrents. PBIS appear to work well for CES and CMS.
The question was asked about locker searches with police dogs. Dr. Refsland noted none could be coordinated this year, but plans were being talked through with Chief Hooker for unannounced searches next year.
Then the Board approved the Preliminary Budget after long discussions. Ken Luety noted that for himself (being new to the board) he would like to see last year’s numbers to effectively decide.
Andrew Chromy’s will be made available for comparison. It was noted Clinton has had five Business Managers in the past five years. Each one reports a little differently.
Luety also questioned the projected $100,000 savings. Jeff Walker responded that most of the saved money came curriculum and technology reductions with the latter being more.
Sally Barrington will oversee all technology purchases. In the past things were purchased and later items didn’t interchange with other software or hardware.
Craig Ostrander stated that the most important priority for himself regarding the budget was teacher compensation change to fairly pay them and retaining them.
Compensation decisions and extra-duty pay will be decided in July. Note: Financial compensation considerations include an estimated $77,877 extra duty pay proposal and salary matrix budget implications are estimated at $217,000.
Dustin Esselman asked how close the district is to getting out of the insurance business. It was anticipated district paid benefits could be replaced with employee paid benefits within the next year.
The Board approved Dr. Petel as District Medical Advisor (works at no charge) followed by discussion on school fees updates, Self-Funding Dental, and Health Reimbursement Analysis.
Next meeting will be Monday, July 6 versus Tuesday, July 7 due to both Administrators absence due to attending a conference.
Dr. Refsland announced National Night Out will happen at CHS on Aug. 4 from 5 to 8 p.m.
The collaborative police, fire and emergency response will team up for demonstration and talks. The event will have free food and be attended by 2,000 to 3,000 people.
Twelve Rock County Superintendents will held a press conference in Milton regarding the impact of the Joint Finance Committee Proposal State Budget.
The multi-district press conference was intended to increase public awareness and show collective support for public education and our staffs.
The meeting was adjourned and went into closed session at about 9:30 p.m. and the board went into closed session.