School Board welcomes Administrator Milton Thompson
By Mary Ann Inman
CLINTON – The Clinton Community District School Board met at the Clinton High School on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 7 p.m. Board Members present were: Gary Gilbank, Jill Gunderson, Craig Ostrander, Dustin Esselman, Ken Luety, Tom Howard, and Evelyn Propp.
Interim Administrator Milton Thompson was present. Business Manager Dan McCrea was absent. About 18 citizens and educators were present.
Citizens and Delegations: Tim Theiling thanked the school board for their support regarding a conference attended. Larry Lader followed by thanking the district for supporting the FFA Alumni and Julie Cornelius for all of the help during their Pork Chop Dinner adding it was the most successful fundraising event held so far. He welcomed the Administrator and invited him to attend their meeting on Monday, Nov. 23.
Consent to the agenda, roll call, minutes, expenditures/receipts were conducted and approved. The board approved two hires, CES Special Education Teacher Nancy Theiding and CHS Head Wrestling Coach Joe Carmody.
Next Nicole Erickson addressed course proposals and changes. Suggested deletion was Principles of Engineering based on 1. No licensed teacher available, 2. High cost of training, and 3. Not offered for past 3 years.
Course considerations presented included AP Chemistry and AP Physics with added flexibility for semester long choices versus yearlong.
Erickson suggested Introduction to Engineering Design be replaced by two semester long courses titled Engineering Basics and Applied Engineering. Class updates recommended were: Civil Engineering and Architecture replaced with Architecture and Design, Digital Electronics replaced with Robotics, Manufacturing yearlong replaced with Manufacturing semester long.
New Course Proposals were presented by Educators as follows: Technology Education to replace Sheet Metals by Derek Tietz, AP European History by Erin Siedschlag, and the addition of Athletic Leadership 1 and Athletic Leadership 2 by Jeff Spiwak (the Physical Education class would be co-taught by a licensed CMS teacher).
Then Lee Ann Grahn presented Special Education updates. She noted required 5-year assessment results deadlines were met early and thanked educators who helped. There are a few areas in non-compliance areas (mostly paperwork related) and they are working on these items.
Special education headcount was at 114 but that number changes often. State of Wisconsin changes included terminology and an age range for Significant Developmental Delay was expanded by law from 3-6 years to 3-9 years. Grahn viewed these changes as positive.
A vacancy by Meagan Starrett has led to increased hours by Kimberly Jay (from 49% to 70%). Julie Powers schedule is unchanged effective 11/2/15.
Twenty-one applications were received for Director of Pupil Services with varied licensing and experience.
A needed Para-Educator position was approved by the board. Grahn said a viable candidate was willing to accept the position. Benefits are in the process of being negotiated by Dan McCrea.
The board approved the purchase of a refrigerator from Boelter at $3,141.49 based a recommendation by Food Service Director Julie Cornelius. The purchase will allow students a second choice. Bob Butler has pre-approved the placement of the locked unit in the hallway.
Interim Administrator Thompson followed by introducing his plans. He plans to attend a full class of each educator to observe curriculum and staff, which should be completed by mid-December.
Thompson wants to work with the district so they can write their own strategic plan in order to make hard choices based on priorities. He plans to start with Mission/Beliefs/Objectives. The School Board and Administration will identify things they can control and separate those items from those out of control. Action steps, timeline and accountability will follow.
Community Conversation: Jill Gunderson encouraged participation in the Kiwanis Radio Auction on Saturday, Nov. 7 stressing that much of the money raised comes back to the school district.
Community Conversation will run during the radio auction. Esselman, Gilbank, Lynd, and Thompson agreed to attend the Community Conversation.
The meeting adjourned and without closed session.
Mary Ann Inman photo
The Clinton School Board welcomed Interim Administrator Milton Thompson.