Sen. Ringhand sits for interview
Ringhand talks school safety, funding, grants and dark-store legislation
By Ryan Broege, Editor —
State Sen. Janis Ringhand (D – Evansville) sat down with the Independent-Register last Tuesday for a wide-ranging discussion that touched on agriculture, school safety, transportation and other

State Sen. Janis Ringhand (D – Evansville)
issues. Ringhand represents the 15th Senate district, which spans the western half of Rock County along I-90, and the eastern part of Green County, east of Monroe and south of Monticello.
Ringhand is finishing her first term, after winning election to the Senate in 2014. She is up for re-election in November of this year. Ringhand previously served two terms in the state Assembly, as well.
Pick up this week’s print edition for full story…